There are over 750 islands on the coast of Scotland. Lewis and Harris is the largest one. Life can be difficult in the highlands and islands. Winters here are hard and cold. Because of that, the people are generally friendly, welcoming and caring.

A crofter keeps cows and sheep and grows some vegetables.

First of all, I will compare the Scotish mountains with the Galician. As we can read in the book, Scotland has many mountains, some of them very high (the Munros), that can be rocky or green. In Galicia we also have mountains, some of them higher than the Scotish. For example, the highest mountain of Scotland is Ben Nevis (1,344 metres) and the biggest mountain in Galicia is Pena Trevinca (2,127 metres), bigger than the Scotish one! Near that mountain we can find others that are almost as high as it. If you want to look after more information about these mountains, go to www.trevinca.es/macizo_trevinca.htm. Almost all of these mountains are higher than the Munros, because they can measure more than 2,000 metres (and the Munros are over 914).
ReplyDeleteGalicia has also some beautiful islands. The most important are the Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park (The Cies, Ons, Salvora and Cortegada Islands). The weather is also similar to the Scotish, with a lot of rains and cold, and the people here is also friendly.
Talking about the traditional houses, here in Galicia we haven't got croftings. However, we have some monuments called castros that were preromanic settlements where the Galicians (and other European cultures, like the Irish or the Estonian) lived far away in the past. They were made of stone and they were round. We also have rural houses, many of them used as hotels or restaurants.
One of the most famous monuments in Scotland is the Standing Stones of Calanais. In Galicia we also have important historical monuments, such as the dolmens, the Santiago Cathedral and the Hercules Tower. However, I think Galicia is well-known around the world because of the St. James Way (in Galician: Camiño de Santiago). You can look at more information about this in the next web page: camino.xacobeo.es/gl.
Last but not least, I have to say that the Scotish fauna is very different of the Galician one. The most well-known animals here are the wild boar and the cow.
Diego Pazos Castro 4thB
Thanks, Diego for your comment. You've been the first and now we are waiting for the rest of the class to post their comments. Go ahead!
ReplyDeletethe teacher
With Gales and England, Scotland forms the world famous island called Great Britain. It’s situated at the North of England and it has more or less 750 little islands, a number bigger than Galician island’s but, in my opinion, they are similar in both countries. Both of them have different sizes, different animals living there and there is a resemblance with their climates: in both rains a lot in winter and, sometimes, in the summer the sun shines in the sky. (Oceanic climate)
ReplyDeleteIf we stay still, without making any noise, and if we wait a few minutes, we could see some of the Scottish wildlife that lives in those islands. The most of these animals live near to Scottish mountains, like the golden eagle; the largest bird in Scotland. It can be one metre tall and has very wide wings. Here in Galicia we also have some interesting and beautiful animals but, the most of them are farm animals because in the past the population of Galicia usually worked as farmers, so they have domesticated some animals that are consider wild animals in other countries; for example, cows or rabbits.
There is another thing that Scotland and Galicia have in common, and it’s their own language. There are three languages spoken in Scotland that are English, Scots and Gaelic. Gaelic is usually used in the Highlands (the highest mountains in Scotland and, also, in Great Britain), Scots is used in the South of Scotland, in one place knowing as Lowlands and, finally, English, the most popular language in that island. But English from Scotland is not alike the common English, it has some specific vocabulary and a lot of influences of Scots and Gaelic.
In Galicia we only have two languages: Spanish and Galician. Usually all of us speak in Spanish, but almost all the population know how to talk in Galician because it’s a part of our history as a nation. Galician was used by the whole population for many years.
The last thing I will talk about it’s the “problem” with rates of population in some villages of Scotland and Galicia. We have read the story of Caroline Mackinnon’s school; a school with a very low figures of students. It’s true that here in Galicia are many schools and high schools with different subjects, teachers, classrooms, students... and you can normally find one close to your house, but this doesn’t happen in all villages of our community. Nowadays in most of the rural villages there aren’t teenagers and children because adults decided to move to the cities searching a better job, a better house, more comforts... and now only old people and some children live in small towns. So what can those children do in their free time? They live “alone”, without more little boys and little girls to play with, they have to go so far from their houses for going to school... in my opinion their lives are a little boring and I think that they have less opportunities than a child that lives in the city centre. Because of all of this, governments have done some measures like stimulated that people moves to villages again by given them some money for work as farmers in the country.
These are some pages where you can find some interesting dates about what I was talking about:
Andrea Patiño Vázquez 4º B
Thanks Andrea for your comment.
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
Scotland and Galicia are two different countries, but they are quite similar too.
ReplyDeleteIn the north of Scotland there are a lot of mountains and islands. This area is called “the Highlands and Islands”. Galicia is often called “the Country of One Thousand Rivers”, because there are many rivers here.
The mountains of Scotland are like the ones of Galicia. They are old and eroded by the wind, the rain and other atmospheric phenomenons. However, in both countries there are some high mountains: the Scotland’s highest one is “Ben Nevis”, with 1,344 metres, and, in Galicia, it’s “Trevinca”, with 2,127 metres high.
In the Scottish mountains we can walk, climb, ski … In the Gallician ones, too; but principally we can practise “trekking” in summer, because they aren’t usually dangerous places.
In the west coast of Galicia there are also some islands, but they are uninhabited. Only some of them, like “the Cies islands”, are famous tourist places.
In Scotland there are many uninhabited places and islands and, in Galicia, many small rural villages also are uninhabited, because people went to the city forty or fifty years ago.
In Galicia, like in Scotland, the rural population has always been too disseminated. Then many students have to travel long distances for going to the school.
The Scottish crofts are quite similar at the Galician “pallozas”. In both countries, the shepherd kept different domestic animals, like cows, sheeps, pigs, hens … into them, from many years ago.
The “Standing Stones of Calanais” are big stones and they are between three and five thousand years old. They are like natural monuments. In Galicia there are also some of them, like the ancient “dolmens”, that they are frecuent in our country.
Galicia hasn´t got a beach airport, like “Barra” in Scotland. However, it has got three important airports in A Coruña, Vigo and Santiago, but they aren’t beach airports.
The Scottish wildlife is quite similar at the Galician one.
In Scotland there are many wild animals like: red deer, otters, red squirrels, puffins, golden eagles ….
In Galicia there aren’t puffins, for example, but there are deer, otters, squirrels, eagles … and wolves in the mountains.
Other animal of the Galician mountains is the bear. There are few, but they are recovering little by little.
Eilidh MacFadyen is a girl from Tiree, a Scottish island. She speaks two languages : Gaelic and English .
In Galicia, many students also speak two languages : Galician and Spanish.
Alberto Vázquez Rodríguez 4ºA Nº21
Very nice,Alberto.Thanks for being the first one in your class to post such an interesting comment!I hope that your partners follow your example and start making their comments soon.
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
Galicia is a 29. 574 km2 area. There are many mountains in Galicia. The high are inside. The mountains of Galicia have an altitude between 1.600-2.100 metres,the highest are rock Trevinca (2.095 m) and Manzaneda head (1.778 m). In winter you can ski in most of the mountains Galician.
ReplyDeleteGalicia hasn´t many islands but the most important are The Cies, Ons, Salvora and Cortegada Islands,these form part of natural park.
In Galicia there aren´t croft, but has Los Castros that were old houses where lived the nomads ,these are small and are located in the over of mountains.
The fauna of Galician is different from the Scoctland. Because there is other spices of animals. For example boars, deer, otter, rabbits...
In Galicia the official language is Spanish and Galician, but spoken more Spanish.
Ana Cepeda Cardona 4ºB
First, I think that Galicia and Scotland are different countries, but they are too similar.
ReplyDeleteAbout population, Scotland and Galicia are different, of course! There are more than 3 million people in Scotland than in Galicia, for example, but, about culture, they are too similar. Well, we have to begin for the start.
About territories, the "Highlands" are similar with the rural Galicia (some population, but not a lot; and too nice).
The scottish "Islands" would be similar like the "Cies" or the "Ons", but they aren't very famous islands and they aren't very big.
In comparison, mountains are similar, big, old, green... But, in Galicia, mountais are taller than in Scotland.
In Scotland, there are crofts, but in Galicia, there are "pallozas, or "castros". These names are too famous in Galicia, and traditional too.
In the highlands, there are one special culture, and it includes things like the Gaelic language, foods and sports, for example. In the center of Galicia (inside), there is also a language, the Galician, that it is speaking plus in the center and uninhabited zones of Galica. There are traditions like the "Queimada" and food like the "Lacón con grelos". These products are too famous in Galicia.
There are monuments like the "Castros" and the "Pallozas", but there are more, like the "Menhires", the "Petroglifos", the "Dolmens",etc. And if in Scotland there are castles, in Galicia too: the Vimianzo castle, the Baiona castle, San Anton castle in Coruña...And there are famous churchs like the Rosslyn Capel, for example, the Santiago cathedral, the "Virgen de la Barca" church, the cathedral of Lugo, etc. If in Scotland are a lot of castles, in Galicia there are a lot of churchs!
There are more monuments in Galicia: lighthouses, specific mounts, sanctuaries and the "Monasterios".
I know that Scotland and Galicia are too similar in animals because the animals that there are at the top, they are also here. And about the flora, I think that Scotland and Galicia have got a similar climate, and for this, the flora between them are not different enough.
Fabio Veiga Rey, 4ºA
Thaks Ana for your comment. I've just read it. Well done!
ReplyDeleteNice comparisons,Fabio!Thanks for your comments on both Scotland and Galicia.I think all of us are going to learn a lot from this experience.It was a nice idea creating this blog for students to do their writings in English.We must thank Amelia Velasco for doing it possible for all of you, so both Amelia and I hope everyone starts getting engaged in it soon!
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
In this first comment, I’m going to make a comparison on the physical beauty of Galicia and Scotland.
ReplyDeleteThe book starts saying: “Scotland has many different faces”. I think it is the first aspect in common between Galicia and Scotland.
Scotland has an area of 78,772 km2 and Galicia’s area is smaller (29,574 km2).
In Scotland we can see three languages: English, Scots and Gaelic. In Galicia, We have our own language too, the Galician. But here we can see the first difference: In Galicia, all the people understand or speak the Galician, but not everybody in Scotland knows Gaelic or Scots. People who live in the north of Scotland know the Gaelic, and the Scots is used in the south.
There is an area called “the Highlands and Islands” in the north of Scotland where there are a lot of mountains. These mountains are not the biggest in the world, but the ten highest mountains in Scotland are also the ten highest mountains in Great Britain. Galicia has higher mountains than Scotland, for example Peña Trevinca (6978.35 feet) is higher tan Ben Nevis (4409.45 ft), but both places have a similar relief, with high mountains and long coastlines.
We can compare the West Highland with the “Camino de Santiago” because they both are hobbies for people, and they are also a physical activity. Although the “Camino de Santiago” is more famous than the West Highland, over fifty thousand people do this walk every year. It takes about seven days, and you can continue along the side of Loch Ness and do the Great Glen Way, and it takes another five or six days.
To learn more about the Camino de Santiago:--> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camino_de_Santiago
In Scotland, there are over 750 islands, but people live on only about 95 of them. Galicia has fewer islands, but the life in a Scotland island is similar to the life in a Galician island: Villages are small and far apart; the winters are very cold, etc.
When I read Caroline’s story, I thought in Ons Island, a place where few people live, and an island where the life is very similar to Caroline’s Neighbours’ life. I think people who live in this kind of islands have a difficult life; they haven’t got the same opportunities than people who live in centric towns. And for example, now in Ons Island there aren’t any children, but it’s sure that some years ago, only a teenager lived there alone, without other friends, and I think it’s so boring and difficult.
You can see more information about Ons Island here: --> http://www.isladeons.net/english/index.htm
The Standing Stones of Calanais are samples of life in prehistory. In Galicia, we have the Dolmens. Dolmens and standing stones are monuments of the Ancient Age. Standing stones and dolmens are fascinating in you are interested in knowing the culture.
Barra, one of the many islands off the west coast of Scotland, has one of the two beach airports in the world. I think it’s very interesting. In Galicia, we haven’t got anything similar.
In Galicia, there are also squirrels and deer, but we haven’t got any puffins, for example. We also have a lot of birds, but here you can’t see eagles. In Galicia, to solve the problem of extinction, we have created Special Protection Areas.
Finally, I’ll compare life in Tiree with life in a Galician village. We can see a lot of similarities, like the behavior of people. There, a lot of people are farmers or something like that, and all the people know their neighbours. Normally, villages have no pools or shops, and you have to go to the cities to buy certain kinds of things, and you also have to move to the cities to participate in different competitions. However, these villages are nice places to grow up.
Fran Fernandez Huerta, 4ºA
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSorry Fran,something wrong happened and my comment was traslated into Spanish automatically but I can assure you I made it in English. I'll try again:
ReplyDeleteVery nice, Fran!I enjoyed reading through it all and I foun it quite interesting!I must say you did a really good job by comparing every single aspect you came across in both Scotland and Galicia.So far, I've learnt something new about Galicia from all the comments which have been posted on this blog, which is being fascinating and is making me want to know more about your region.Thanks a lot for putting so much into it!
First, I will talk about the Scottish mountains and the Galician. The Scottish mountains are the highest in Great Britain, there, you can see rocky or green mountains; in general, the Galician mountains are higher than the Scottish, but they aren’t the biggest in the world. In Scotland, the highest mountain is Ben Nevis (1.344 metres) and in Galicia is Pena Trevinca (2.127 metres). Galicia has an area of 29.574 km2 and Scotland has an area of 78.772 km2.
ReplyDeleteScotland has over 750 islands. The largest island is Lewis and Harris, the north part of the island is called Lewis and the south part Harris. Galicia has beautiful island too. The most important are the Cies Islands and the Ons Islands.
Both are similar in aspects like the winters in the islands, in the two places are very cold, or the way of life in the islands, the people who lives there are very friendly and the life can be difficult in the Highlands, .The people haven’t a lot of opportunities, and the more frequents jobs are in tourism.
In Scotland there are crofts, bur in Galicia there are “castros”. The nomads were living inside them.
Scotland has a lot of monuments, but one of them is very important, the Standing Stones of Calanais and in Galicia there are really important monuments too like the Hercules Tower, but I think that the most important monument is the Santiago Cathedral, because the St. James Way is famous around the world.
Here, we haven’t beach airports, but in Barra (Scotland) has one of only two beach airports in the world.
The Scottish fauna is different than the Galician, but the fauna is very similar too. In Scotland there are deer, otters and squirrels, here, you also can see squirrels and deer, but in Galicia the most frequent animals are the domestic animals, wild boars, rabbits and roes deer.
Laura Graña, 4ºB
First, I will talk about Scotlands and Galician mountains.
ReplyDeleteIn Scotland, there are a lot of mountains, bigs and littles.
But in Galicia there are mountains too. You can walk in summer and ski in the winter. The biggest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis (1.344 metres) and the biggest mountain of galicia is Pena Trevinca with 2.127 metres.
Galicia isn't famous for the mountains, but you can do a lot of things there.
Scotland has got a lot of islands, over 750. You can live in there or go in holidays. Galicia hasn't got a lot of mountains, but you can see some of them like "Islas Cíes".
You can visit there with your family or your friends.
In galicia, there aren't "crofts", here were use a thing called "hórreo", is a little house where you can keep some food.
The scottish mountains and islands are home to some wonderful wildlife including deer, otters and squirrels.
In Galicia there are some wonderful wildlife too. You can find animals, trees and other tipe of life.
Manuel Martínez Iglesias 4ªA
First of all, I'm sorry about the delaying of my comment, I wanted to do it on Friday but I wasn't at home.
ReplyDeleteNow I will compare this two similar places called Scotland and Galicia:
- In both of them, there aren't many people living in the places with lots of mountains, but there are lots of visitors there on winter.
In Galicia there are many high mountains like Cabeza de Manzaneda(which is 5833 feets high) and Pena Trevinca(which is 6965 feets high).
In Galicia, like in Scotland, there are many islands, but the most importants island in Galicia are Cíes, Ons, Sálvora and Cortegada (all of them are in the Atlantic ocean coast of Galicia).
When I read Caroline Mackinnon's story I got impressed about it, she is the only one student in her school, here in Galicia's island is the same, there aren't many childs and it could be bad for the kids.
I think a croft is like a small farm in Galicia, with a few animals to rise, but I'm not sure of it.
In Galicia there aren't lots of inusual animals, like puffins, but the most representative animals are the fox, the gull, the grouse, the wild boar and the dove.
The most similar thing in Galicia of the stand stones are the dolmens, they were used as sepulchure.
To sum up, Galicia and Scotland are a bit far away one of the other, but they are too similar.
Sergio Bugallo Enjamio 4ºA
Nice comments, Manuel and Sergio.I've just read them.I hope you are enjoying as much as I am by participating in this blog created especially for you.I'm sure your writing in English will improve and get easier for you as you go along. Besides,you are going to learn a lot about both Scotland and your own region.Both of them have got a lot of similarities but also differences.You will find out more information about them if you continue reading through the book and getting more and more involved in this proyect.It's great!
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteScotland and Galicia are very similar, but they have also many differences. The mountains in Scotland are situated in the north and on the islands off the west coast but in Galicia there are a lot of mountains in the south. Both mountains are similar because they haven’t got many high. The highest mountain in Scotland is “Ben Nevis” (1344 metres) and the highest in Galicia is “Pena Trevinca” (2127 metres).
ReplyDeleteThe “Munros” was invented by Sir Hugh Munro. It’s a list of 248 mountains which are over 914 metres. In Galicia I don’t know the exact number but I think that the number of this type of mountains is very similar to the Scottish.
There are over 750 islands on the coast of Scotland. Galicia only has over 20 islands. The largest island in Scotland is Lewis and Harris but in Galicia is Arousa Island. The weather in the Galician islands is very good but in the Scottish it’s very cold and hard in winter. Because of the weather the Galician and the Scottish people are very friendly and sociable.
A croft is a type of small farm which only exists in some places of Scotland. A crofter keeps animals and grows vegetables. In Galicia, we have a structure similar to the croft: the “hórreo”. It keeps some food and it’s situated next to old Galician houses. The “hórreo” is very famous here.
The Standing Stones of Calanais are in a wild place and they are a lot of years old. This stones have a legend about the farmers. In Galicia exist some monuments called “castros”. History tells that they were created in the VI a.C. century and there lived some people called “castrexos”.
Some things of Scotland are very unusual here. For example, I think that, at this time, the story of Caroline Mackinnon it’s very difficult to see in Galicia. However, some places of Galicia have few children but they haven’t only one person! This is my opinion but maybe I’m wrong.
Scotland has one thing that is very special. It has an airport in the beach. It’s fantastic! Galicia has three airports but they are not in the beach.
In general, Scotland and Galicia have a lot of similarities because they have a similar cultures. I like both
Noemí Cortés Seoane 4ºB
Very good Laura and Noemí. I hope you'll find this interesting and useful. Start doing your corrections as soon as your classmates write their comments. Wll done.
ReplyDeleteFirst I highlight the similitude between the forms of the mountains in Scotland and Galicia.The form is worn and in the two sites the mountains are green because the vegetation is abundant.Because in Galicia the mountains are slightly higher the biggest mountain in Galicia is Pena trevinca with 2127 metres of high and in Scotland the biggest mountain is Ben Nevis with 1335 metres.
ReplyDeleteThe wildlife are similar because there is a difference for example in Galicia there are red squirrels and red deer but there aren´t puffins.
There are more types different species at the two sites and some overlap because the environment of both places is similar.
The Standing Stones of Calanis (in France Carnac)they are similar to the galiciens "Dolmens"
The Scotland Croftin, I think that it´s similar to the "Pallozas" that there is in "O Cebreiro" and "Os Ancares".
Damián Regueiro Fuentes 4ºB
First,to say which Scotlan and Galicia are similar in which they have three differents faces: the city( Coruña-Edinburgh ), the islands( Mallorca-Barra ),the country life and mountainous (Ancares-Canna ).
ReplyDeleteGalicia has higher mountains than Scotland: Pena Trevinca(6978 feet) and Ben Nevis (4409 feet).Scotland is most famous than Galicia in mountains. In Galicia you can walk much in the mountains, is very funny. Much people come to here for do tourism and in the winner they comes for ski.
In Galicia there are farms and in Scotland crofts. The farm is similar to the croft but the farm is biggest than the croft.The airports of galicia are better than airport at Barra.
The Scottish fauna is similar but in Galicia hasn´t puffin but if there are red squirrels , otter and birds similars at the golden eagle.
Santiago Sardiña 4ºB
In short Escotland has seemed with Galicia as for example them mountains that similar characteristics possess but the mountains of Galicia are higher that them of Scotland (example mountain most high is Pena Trevinca with 2127 metres and the mountain hihest of Scotland is Ben Navis with 1344 metres).
ReplyDeleteIn Scotland there are many islands, the most important is Lewis and Harry; however Galicia has fewer islad. When we speak of the islands is important to mention Tirre's island when a girl (Eilind Macfadyen) lives witch speaks two lenguages (the Gaelic and the English).
In Scotland as Galicia the villages don't have many young people.
Both places have similar animals, except in Galicia that don´t exist puffins.
Fátima Rial Cortés 4ºB
Thanks for your comments, Noemí, Laura, Santi and Fátima. almost all the class hava posted their comments and I really appreciate it. We still have a long way to go but the start has been wonderful.
ReplyDeletethe teacher
Galicia and Scotland are very similar in the past the two places was the country of the same culture in in scotland the mountains aren´t very hight (highest mountain of Scotland Ben Nevis1344m highest mountain of Galicia pena trvinca 2127m)but have places when the mediun hight are very hight (Highlands) in Galicia the most similar place is Terra Chan that have 400 metres of medium hight the highest places of Galicia are the west and south mountain range what in diference with scotland are rounded and not in the middle.In Scotland the winters are very hard for the inesperated storms and the cold hear the worst time are in the Death Coast and in the mountains but is better that in Scotland.
ReplyDeleteThe tipical house in scotland are the croft a small farm aloned in the open country as the earth aren´t very good the people that live hear haven´t money to do big farms.In Galicia the tipical house is the ``castro´´ this is a circular house what normally was with others make up a village in the hight ground of the mountains.
In scotland are three languages:English(germanic language),Scot and Gaelic(celtic language) in Galicia we speak two lenguages itself Galician and Spanish the two lenguages both romanic lenguages
Alexandre Estalote 4thB
Galicia is green as Scotland. The weather is similar, but they have strong winters with smow.Here in Galicia the weather is warmer. In Scotland there are two areas: one of them with high mountains some of them are rocky, some are green; the other area has lakes. In Galicia there high mountains too but in the east of the area.They are higher than the scottish mountains.
ReplyDeleteon the other hand there aren't a lot of lakes. People here also like climbing or skiing when the can. But I think in Galicia these mountains didn't become as known as the Munros, so they aren't visited for thousand people.However here in Galicia we have a fomous path"camino de Santiago" whiich is walked for thousands of people in the world.West highland has 152 km. and grat Glenway is a further 118 km. but hte camino fo santigo has aour 200 km. in Galicia. I think it will take 8 or 9 days, more or less.
They have 750 islands but we have fewer islands but they are vey beautiful, they are called "Cies", "Ons", "Sálvora" .....
Their island with more population is Lewis and harris with almost twenty thousand, but only about 95 of them people live. Here the islands have few population or they are for tourists.
In Scotland there is a doctor in an island, a shop is far away, there is even a schoo with an only child who goes alone, but here although we can find isolated houses, the situation isn't similar.
In Scotland there are some farms called crofts, here there are farms too but they are richer.
They have standing stones in calanais and we have dolmens which were put in place a long time bofore history began.
they have an airport on the beach, on the other hand we have three but not on the beach. The scottish wild life is varied dithe deers, squirrels, puffins oter and gold eagle and we have some wild animals like: urogallo and wolfs, wild pigs, horses.....
there is something very similar in both countries.
Samuel Rodríguez. 4º B
In the first place. It compares the mountainous likeness between galicia and escocia. As its mountains higher than have little height the two has but height the highest mountain Galician (peña trevinca) that the Scot (ben nevis) the first one with 2127 meters of altitude and the second one with 1344 meters of altidud.
ReplyDeleteIt continues coparando islands and the time between galicia and escocia. Galicia has many little islands, but that are really nice in sight as islands Cies, encambio escocia has them but big and tambien very nice as islands Orcadas. The time in two places that are presented is very similar.
In Galicía have some so-called monuments the castros where Galicians lived in the past. They made them of stone and were round. Additionally have holiday cottages, many theirs were used such as hotels or restaurants.
One of the monuments more famous of Scotland is right stones of Calanais. In Galicia also have significant historical monuments, such as Santiago's cathedral and Hercules's tower.
Birds but common in Scotland are very different with Galicia. In Scotland predominate the aguilas whereas in Galicia pigeons, the gabiotas and other birds of that style.
Gabriel Pinchete López 4ºB
Galicia and Scotland are similars but they have some differences like: Galicia have less mountains but the hightest mountain in Galicia measures 2127 metres and the scotish hightest measures 1344 metres.
ReplyDeleteIn Galicia also have some islands but they aren't big enough like Lewis and Harris, there are less islands and smaler than the sctish islands.
DAvid Vázquez 4ºB
we don't have the fifty stones of Canalais but we have some monoliths and dolmens.
Here in Galicia we have "El camino de Santiago" and in Scotland they have the West Highland Way and the Great Glen Way.
In the north of scotland there are mountains and islands in the west coast. However, in Galicia there are mountains in the east and there are islands in the west. This place is the Highlands. It is one of the lost inhabited places in Europe and where less people in a km. On the other hand Galicia is place there is a density is over 92'8 hab/km2. In the Highland is the mountains biggest and rockest. This mountain in summer you can rock climbing and in the winter you can ski. The biggest mountain is Ben Nevis at 1,344 metres and isn't easy to rock climbing. In Galicia the biggest mountain is "cabeza de manzaneda" at 1,778 metres. It is in the lest of Galicia, Orense. In the winter this mountain you can ski and in the summer you can rock climbing. In Scotland there is great number of poeple walks throgh the mountains. The mounatin most through is the west highland way at 152 long. In Galicia the people walks through Monte Xalo at 11 km.
ReplyDeleteIn Scotland there is 750 islands and only 95 inhabited, the most important is Lewis and Harris. There are small towns, cold and very windy. Usually people are very friendly. However, in Galicia there only 5 islands of natural orientation, the best known are the islands Cies. This island is a zone of protection. In Galica thre is style of rural farm and Mallorie form is mid in small towns. Farmers often work in them looking after cows, sheep, pigs and chikens, also in these farms growing vegetables.
One of the great monuments in Scotland is the Standing Stones of calanais. The natural monument in Galica is "la playa de las catedrales", which has rocks with stange shapes and very beautiful, this beach is very long and with great waves. Scotland and Galicia are the two more airports in Scotland is on an island , it name is Barra and in Galicia the most important is in Santiago. In Scotland wildlife animals include red squirrel, red deer, otter, golden eagle and puffin. However, Galicia typical animals are cows, pigs, octopus and sea food.
Pablo Pena. 4º B
About Alberto's mistakes, I think that he hasn't got a lot. First, sorry, because it's probably that I have got more mistakes still!
ReplyDeleteI think that one mistake is in the second paragraph because it isn't necessary write "The" before the substantive.
In the same paragraph I think that it would be <>.I'm not sure if the word "one/s" is the best form...
In the paragraph where he speaks about rural villages, he has written a mistake. He said "many small rural villages also are uninhabited", and he should write "many small rural villages are also uninhabited".
In the next paragraph, I think that he wrote bad, and it would be "has always been disseminated too"
Finally, I think that he hasn't got more mistakes.
Fabio Veiga Rey, 4ºA
The first different i can see in the introduction is the area. Scotland has an area of 78,772 square kilometres and Galicia only has 29.574. So Scotland is bigger than Galicia.
ReplyDeleteScotland has three languages: English, SCots and Gaelic while Galicia has two: Spanish and Galician.
Ben Nevis is scotland's highest mountain at 1,344 metres. In Galicia the highest mountain is Pena Trevinca 2.127 metres.
In the book tell us about Munros who made a list of all the Scottish mountains over 3000 feet.
In galician there isn't a person like Hugh Munros who made a list of the mountains.
Scotland has 750 islands. Lewis and Harris is the largest Island, it is only one, but there are people who think they are two. Galicia also has islands like Ons.
Poor Caroline! I think she is very bored at the free time.
When i see the picture of the Calanais i think that they are the Dolmens, There are very similar.
In Scotland the most important animal is the red deer. Scotland also has some interesting birds like the golden eagle. Galicia has a lot of gulls.
Nahir Kusznieryk 4ºA
First, I think that Galicia and Scotland are different countries, but they are similar too.
ReplyDeleteAbout population, Scotland and Galicia are different, of course! There are more than 3 million people in Scotland than in Galicia, for example, but, about culture, they are too similar. Well, we have to begin for the start.
About territories, the "Highlands" are similar with the rural Galicia (some population, but not a lot; and too nice).
The Scottish "Islands" would be similar like the "Cies" or the "Ons", but they aren't very famous islands and they aren't very big.
In comparison, mountains are similar, big, old, green... But, in Galicia, mountains are taller than in Scotland.
In Scotland, there are crofts, but in Galicia, there are "pallozas", or "castros". These names are famous in Galicia, and traditional too.
In the highlands, there is one special culture, and it includes things like the Gaelic language, foods and sports, for example. In the center of Galicia (inside), there is also a language, the Galician, that it is speaking plus in the center and uninhabited zones of Galicia. There are traditions like the "Queimada" and food like the "Lacón con grelos". These products are very famous in Galicia.
There are monuments like the "Castros" and the "Pallozas", but there are more, like the "Menhires", the "Petroglifos", the "Dolmens",etc. And if in Scotland there are castles, in Galicia too: the Vimianzo castle, the Baiona castle, San Anton castle in Coruña...And there are famous churchs like the Rosslyn Capel, for example, the Santiago cathedral, the "Virgen de la Barca" church, the cathedral of Lugo, etc. If in Scotland are a lot of castles, in Galicia there are a lot of churchs!
There are many monuments in Galicia: lighthouses, specific mounts, sanctuaries and the "Monasterios".
I know that Scotland and Galicia are very similar in animals because the animals that there are at the top, they are also here. And about the flora, I think that Scotland and Galicia have got a similar climate, and for this, the flora between them are not different enough.
Alberto´s correction
Fabio Veiga Rey, 4ºA
I think Galicia and Scotland are very similar .For example the area:Scotland has an area of 78,772 square kilometres and Galicia has 29.574 square kilometres.Scotland are bigger.
ReplyDeleteIn Galicia the most important mountain is Pena Trevinca and in Scotland is Ben Nevi.
Galicia has 50 islands and Scotland has 750 islands but people live on only 95 of them.
I think Caroline isn´t very lucky because she can´t meet people their age.
I think the crofts are very nice, think I saw in some movie.
The wildlive in Scotland are very nice,the Scottish animalsare very beautifull,my favourite Scottish animal is the red squirrel.
Cristina Fuertes Canosa 4ºA
scotland abd galician are two comunity,very similar, because Scotland and Galician are agree on the musical instrument: the bagpipes. They have more of history: galician have the castros and Scotland have more of history in his castles. In my opinion, Galician and Scotland are "brothers" because they have more of similar.
ReplyDeleteI would like to go Scotland, because there are a lot of many sites to see.
The most place I want visit is the capital of Scotland, but I need to know very well English
Fernando Loriga Barbeito 4ºB
Thanks Nahir and Cristina for your nice comments!I hope it wasn't too difficult for you to start posting your comments & you are both enjoying this new experience of participating in this blog.Now you must correct the mistakes you can find in your partner's writing.Go ahead & try to do your best!
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
I think, the mountains in Galicia isn't very populars, because they aren't bigs and there aren't a lot of them, but people in Galicia usually go to the mountain, in winter to play sky or snowboard and in summer to eat or to walk or to see the landscape.
ReplyDeleteMoreover, in Galicia there are islands, but they are smalls and they are located mainly on the south. The most important islands are: Cies,Arousa etc...
But in Galicia there are a lot of crofts for all the territory. Mainly, the crofts are privated, but also there are crofts publics, in forest for example.
And, of course, forest in Galicia has a lot of vegetation and animals, a lot of animals...
I think Galicia is a beautiful place, and i love live here.
In my opinion Galicia and Scotland are very similar because ...
ReplyDeleteAlthough Galicia isn’t an island than Scotland, it has a lot of coast, very important, and several islands around it.
As Scotland, also has music and traditional dance,that connects with the Celtic, and also their own language, Galician, which is learned in school, like the Castilian.
As Scotland has many mountains and trails for climing and walking, but in winter can be difficult.
We be seen in Galicia, near the trails, a little houses with the same utility that croftings.
As in Scotland is The standing Soton of Calanais, but in Galicia are the catros, dolmens, etc ...
Galicia has a fauna with different types of birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles, and the most part who live around the numerous rivers that lie Galicia.
I think Galicia and Scotland are good places to visit or live.
Ayla Couto Miranda 4ºA
Two more students making their comments!They were really nice!Thanks for them,Ayla and David.Don't worry about making mistakes in your texts and please,remember that the important thing is to get engaged in this proyect & not to be frightened of writing in English.I'm sure it wasn't as difficult as you thought at first it would be!Go on and now move on to the second part, which is correcting your partner's mistakes.Do it in "Corrections in Blue", please.
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
Now, I'll compare Scotland and Galician
ReplyDeleteA set of hills and mountains of Galicia is the Galician massif. It consists of granite rocks and is an extension of the plateau. The rains in the Galician massif occur frequently and are abundant. It has an altitude of 500 m.
The mountains of Galicia help isolate the rural population, so there is not much development in the interior.
The highest mountain is Trevinca Galicia (2127 m). Also in the mountains of Galicia is a ski resort in Cabeza de Manzana (1,700 m).
In Scotland some of the most spectacular mountains occur in the northwest highlands, especially on Skye, the largest island off the coast. On the mainland nearby lie some great ranges based on the Torridonian sandstone, a Precambrian rock which overlies yet older rocks such as the Lewisian gneiss. Some of the highest peaks, such as Beinn Eighe are crowned by white quartzite, which gives those peaks a distinctive appearance. The trend continues to the north with larger caps of the white rock at Foinaven and Arkle. Some of the quartzite contains fossilized worm burrows. It is known as pipe rock and is circa 500 million years old.
Galicia isn't an island, but Scotland is.
Galica has a lot of different types of animals and plants.Our sceneries are so green and they are always hydrated. The same happens in Scotland! There are a lot of forests around the island.
Both of them has similar climates. That climate helps to develop better !
Sergio Simarro 4ºA
Scotland are bigger tan Galicia. Scotland has many mountains, some of them very high. In Galicia we also have mountains, some of them higher than the Scotish. Galicia has also some beautiful islands. Galicia has 60 islands and Scotland has 800 islands but people live on only 100 of them. In Galicia the most important are the Cies, Ons, Cortegada etc. The weather is also similar to the Scotish, with a lot of rains and cold, and the people here is also friendly.
ReplyDeleteThe most famous monument in Scotland is the Standing Stones of Calanais and In Galicia we also have important historical monuments: the dolmens, the Santiago Cathedral and the Hercules Tower. I have to say that the Scotish fauna is different of the Galician one. The most well-known animals here are the wild boar and the cow. Scotland and Galician have similar musical instrument. Galician have the castros and Scotland have castles.
Galicia and Scotland are two very similar places by the weather because they are not far away, that is why their customs are quite similar. In Galicia the most important monuments are the forts hercules tower and the cathedral of Santiago and Scotland's standing stones of calanais. They also seem that in the two countries play similar musical instruments
ReplyDeleteGalicia is part of a country called Spain and Scotland is part of a country called the United Kingdom, the two countries are part of the European Union in Scotland but not using the euro
In my opinion Galicia is smaller than Scotland but the two are very beautifful and the two is a good place to live.
I'm going to compare Scotland and Galicia
ReplyDeleteFirst, I'm going to talk about the mountains. The biggest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis (1,344 metres), but we can't compare this mountain with the highest mountain in Galicia which is Pena Trevinca (2,127 metres).
I must say that both landscapes are very beautiful and we can enjoy them so much. In fact, both landscapes are good places to go skiing on winter or maybe to go hiking with your friends.
Galicia has many beautiful islands like Ons, Salvora or The Cies. I think they're good places to visit, but they're very small,too.
In my opinion, the best thing of Galicia is the sea, there are a lot of beaches here, and it's a good thing for the tourists. However, Scotland has got sea, too.
In Scotland, there are crofts, but here in Galicia we've got "castros" which are awesome.
I have never gone to Scotland, but I think that I prefer to live here.
The weather here is almost always cloudy, and in Scotland too. I think they're to places very similar.
Martín Boado Carro 4ºA
There are many mountains in Scotland and very high but there are galicia biggest and most beautiful as the Galician massif. most of the mountains of Galicia are higher than those of Scotland.
ReplyDeletelike Scotland, in Galicia there are islands, the best islands in the world, full of wildlife and vegetation (galicia fauna is very different from Scotland).
The weather in Galicia is very similar to Scotland because there are very cold during winter and high rainfall, both has a maritime climate.
galicia in traditional houses are not like croftings. here, there are forts (forts) and cottages (houses) where people lived did not have much money and engaged in live cattle.
in Galicia there are many monuments like the Cathedral of Santiago (in the plaza of Obradorio), the Tower of Hercules and many more. but there are also important things like the Camino de Santiago, known virtually worldwide, involving many pilgrims.
Well, that's all, hope you like a teacher. indeed, Galicia in a nice place in which there are millions of things to visit very beautiful, I recommend it.
Fernando Martínez Munín 4ºA
Galicia is very similar to Scotland, have a large number of mountains and garden area. Before commenting on the fauna and mountains, I'd like to start their cultures and traditions.
ReplyDeleteThere is an important artistic activity, both musical and literary dramatic, powerfully influenced by traditional Scottish sources, but also open to external influences, especially in Europe. Music occupies an important place in Scottish culture. The most important traditional Scottish instrument is the bagpipes, a wind instrument consisting of one or more sound components fed by a reservoir of air contained in a bag.
The Celtic harp, violins and accordion are also traditional Scottish instruments, especially the last two, which are part of a typical traditional Scottish dance band. Currently there are several famous groups in Scotland.
Galicia also has its own kind of music and his instrument is the bagpipe characteristic but not the same as that of Scotland. Scotland has a traditional classic skirt like garment.
Currently there are three official languages in Scotland: English, Scottish and gaélico.
The gaélico is only spoken in some areas and not everybody knows this language. 30% of the population speaks Scottish. English is spoken by the majority of Scots.
In Galicia has two official languages which are known and spoken: Spanish and Galician.
Both Scotland and Galicia have sea and mountains.
The Highlands is an area where there are many mountains. Scotland has an area of 78,772 km2 and is bigger than galicia (29,574 km2). Scotland and Galicia have a large animal with a similar climate. Is often rainy.
Anton Pacín Salvadro 4A
In Scotland there are a lot of mountains bigger and in Galician too. In Galician it is very popular walk for the mountains and in Scotland too. In Scotlan i have sean that the people ski in this mountains in the winter but in Galician it haven't very importan. In Galician there are islands, the people live in it, the very important are the islands "Cies" look in it not live anithing. In Scotland i have veal that it have stones of cola mais , in Galician there is a "Dolme a dombate". In Galician there are a there airport in the water. In the Scotland i have seen red squiuvel, but in Galician there is a "celta" pig.
ReplyDeleteRodríguez Seoane Rodrigo 4ºA
In Galicia the people do not live in clans like in Scotland, people lived in villages. , and the family is very important for the galician people.
ReplyDeleteThe people who lives in escocia speak the Gaelico a very ancient language. In Galicia the Galician , but it is mixed by the Castilian and like that it is born `castrapo '. The Galician is a language that comes from the Latin. The simbol of escocia is his skirt: Kilt. The plaid is another name that can give him to the kilts. In Galicia not hai a simblo like the kilt to what to gown it refers.
The bagpipe is a traditional instrument of escocia, in Galicia it is used for typical music of Galicia are as muñeiras.
A famous Scotch poet is robert Burns, in Galicia some very known poets are: Rosalía, Castelao … One of the national drinks Scotland is the Whiskey, has been made during years. In Galicia a typical drink is the albariño, a typical Galician food is the broth, where as in escocia are eat fast food
Adrián garcía Díaz 4ºA
In the highlands, there are one special culture, and it includes things like the Gaelic language, foods... In the center of Galicia, there is also a language, the Galician. There are traditions like the "Queimada" and food like grelos. These products are too famous in Galicia.
ReplyDeleteThere are monuments like the "Castros" and "Pallozas", but there are more, like the "Menhires", the "Dolmens",etc. in Scotland there are castles, in Galicia too. And there are famous churchs like the, the Santiago cathedral. Scotland and Galicia are too similar in animals because the animals that there are at the top, they are also here. About population, Scotland and Galicia are different. There are more than 3 million people in Scotland than in Galicia, for example, but, about culture, they are too similar. In Scotland, there are a lot of mountains. But in Galicia there are mountains too. You can goto the beach in summer and ski in the winter In general, Scotland and Galicia have a lot of similarities because they have a similar cultures.
Adrian Garcia Diaz 4º A
I am going to talk about two places called Scotland and Galicia. I am going to try compare them and I hope you like it.
ReplyDeleteScotland is bigger than Galicia, because it has a area of 78.772 km2 and Galicia's area is 29.574 km2.
There are a lot of islands in both places: in Scotland there are 790 islands, they are divided in 4 groups, their names are Shetland, Órcadas and the last group the Hébridas.In Galicia the most popular islands are:the Cíes, the Ons,Sálvora,Sisargas,...
Galicia is famous because there are a lot of rivers in his territory, I am going to tell you some of them:Miño, Sil, Ulla, Umia, Eume, Tambre,...The largest river on Galicia is the Miño whit 340 km.Other river very long is the Sil river with 228 km. In Scotland also there are rivers as the Tay (193 km) and the Spey (172 km).
Galicia hasn't got a famous lake, but Scotland has got a lot of famous lakes as the Loch Ness, it is famous because there is a legend about this lake,a lot of people says what they have watched a monster in these place, I think it is false.
Galicia has got a lot of capes as Estaca de Bares, Ortegal, Vilán, Finisterre,... but in the other country there are fiords.
Galicia has got dolmens and forts but Scotland has got crofts.
Both countries have got mountains and the points tallest are Pena Trevinca (2.127 m. in Galicia) and Ben Navis (1.334 m. in Scotland).
I have a lot of mistakes but I think you can to understand it, :).
Uxío Toxo 4º A
First I'll start talking about galicia:
ReplyDeleteGalicia has a surface area of 29,574 square kilometres (11,419 sq mi).Its northermost point, at 43º 47' N, is Estaca de Bares; its southernmost, at 41º 49' N, is on the Portuguese border in the Baixa Limia-Serra do Xurés Nature Reserve.The easternmost longitude is at 6º 42' W on the border between the province of Ourense and the Castilian-Leonese province of Zamora) its westernmost at 9º 18' W, reached in two places: the La Nave Cape in Fisterra (also known as Finisterre), and Cape Touriñán, both in the province of A Coruña.
Topographically, a remarkable feature of Galicia is the presence of many fjord-like or firth-like inlets along the coast, estuaries that were drowned with rising sea levels after the ice age. These are called rías and are divided into the smaller Rías Altas ("High Rías"), and the larger Rías Baixas ("Low Rías"). The Rías Altas include Ribadeo, Foz, Viveiro, Barqueiro, Ortigueira, Cedeira, Ferrol, Betanzos, A Coruña, Corme e Laxe and Camariñas. The Rías Baixas, found south of Fisterra, include Corcubión, Muros e Noia, Arousa, Pontevedra and Vigo. The Rías Altas can sometimes refer only to those east of Estaca de Bares, with the others being calld Rías Medias ("Intermediate Rías").
Now I will talk about Scotland:
The main land of Scotland comprises the northern third of the land mass of the island of Great Britain, which lies off the northwest coast of Continental Europe. The total area is 78,772 km2 (30,414 sq mi),[76] comparable to the size of the Czech Republic, making Scotland the 117th largest country in the world.[citation needed] Scotland's only land border is with England, and runs for 96 kilometres (60 mi) between the basin of the River Tweed on the east coast and the Solway Firth in the west. The Atlantic Ocean borders the west coast and the North Sea is to the east. The island of Ireland lies only 30 kilometres (19 mi) from the southwestern peninsula of Kintyre;[77] Norway is 305 kilometres (190 mi) to the east and the Faroes, 270 kilometres (168 mi) to the north.
On the high mountain tops species including Ptarmigan, Mountain Hare and Stoat can be seen in their white colour phase during winter months.Remnants of the native Scots Pine forest existand within these areas the Scottish Crossbill, Britain's only endemic bird, can be found alongside Capercaillie, Wildcat, Red Squirrel and Pine Marten.In recent years various animals have been re-introduced, including the White-tailed Sea Eagle in 1975, the Red Kite in the 1980s,and more recently there have been experimental projects involving the Beaver and Wild Boar.
I think that culture, fauna and geography of Galicia and Scotland are very similar. I would be interested in visiting Scotland seems an interesting place.
Borja Varela 4ºA
Thanks to Sergio,Julián,Iván,Martín,Fernando,Antón,Rodrigo,Adrián, Uxío and Borja for your nice comments & for joining us all at last!We were waiting for you to start making your comments!I'm sure it wasn't that difficult for you to get engaged in it. I hope you like this experience of sharing a blog.In addition,I just wanted to point out that you all did very nicely because you were making your comparisons by using your own words and not worrying too much about making mistakes.Nontheless, I must say that some of you, I'm afraid,didn't try to do their best, or maybe they were scared of making too many mistakes,and decided to copy the information literally from another reference book.Please, don't do that again!That's not the point of this!Mainly, we want you to read the book and the useful information given in this blog, so that you can add your own points of view on both Scotland and Galicia by using your own words & writing in English as much as you can.You all need to get practice in writing as well as reading!So, please, follow my advice and get down to do it as best as you can.
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
I have a big problem with Pacin´s writing because i don´t know if i have a bad level of English or he have a lot of mistakes. I think, he has basics mistakes when he write a simple sentence. For example, in this sentence =>"In Galicia has two official languages which are known and spoken: Spanish and Galician.", the correct sentence is "In Galicia there are two offcial languages..." or "Galicia have two official languages...". Surely, I'm an exaggerated but they have too basic mistakes,but I also think it is good in general.
ReplyDeleteUxio Toxo 4ºA