A clan in Scotland is a large family or group of families.Traditionally,they always did what the "chief" told them to do.There was often fighting between different clans over land or animals.They were more important in the Highlands than in other parts of Scotland.
It is the oldest language used in Scotland, but today it is spoken by just under sixty thousand people. It is very similar to Irish Gaelic. If you want to hear it click here
It is genarally thought of as traditional Scottish clothing. In fact, it used to be traditional only in the Highlands. Today it is worn all over Scotland. People wear it like a skirt on important occasions.
It is the name given to the pattern you usually find on kilts, though it is also used for all sorts of other things such as skirts, trousers and scarves.
They are the traditional form of Scottish music. In Scotland the most popular kind is the Highland bagpipe or "the Great Pipe".
Bodega is the name of a five-piece band who came from different parts of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. They mix traditional Gaelic music with American folk songs and some of their own songs.
It is a Gaelic word that means "visit". In the past people would get together in someone's house and tell stories and poems.
Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet. On 25 January, all over the world, Scots people have a traditional Burns supper to remember him.
It is the word the Scots use for new Year's Eve. At midnight, they sing a Robert Burns song and then, they go and visit their friends and neighbours to wish them a Happy New Year.
It is the Scottish national drink and has been made in Scotland for longer than anyone can remember.
It is probably the most famous Scottish food. A traditional Haggis will include the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, onions, oats, and spices. However, today there are many different recipes for Haggis.
You can find a large number of different fast foods in Scotland, but there are also some strange fast foods. Most of them are deep fried in oil. The most famous of these unusual fast foods is the deep-fried chocolate bar.
- 300ml fresh double cream
-30g oatmeal
-20ml thick Scottish honey
-20ml Scotch whisky (optional)
-500g fresh raspberries
A clan in Scotland is a large family or group of families.Traditionally,they always did what the "chief" told them to do.There was often fighting between different clans over land or animals.They were more important in the Highlands than in other parts of Scotland.
It is the oldest language used in Scotland, but today it is spoken by just under sixty thousand people. It is very similar to Irish Gaelic. If you want to hear it click here
It is genarally thought of as traditional Scottish clothing. In fact, it used to be traditional only in the Highlands. Today it is worn all over Scotland. People wear it like a skirt on important occasions.
It is the name given to the pattern you usually find on kilts, though it is also used for all sorts of other things such as skirts, trousers and scarves.
They are the traditional form of Scottish music. In Scotland the most popular kind is the Highland bagpipe or "the Great Pipe".
Bodega is the name of a five-piece band who came from different parts of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. They mix traditional Gaelic music with American folk songs and some of their own songs.
It is a Gaelic word that means "visit". In the past people would get together in someone's house and tell stories and poems.
Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet. On 25 January, all over the world, Scots people have a traditional Burns supper to remember him.
It is the word the Scots use for new Year's Eve. At midnight, they sing a Robert Burns song and then, they go and visit their friends and neighbours to wish them a Happy New Year.
It is the Scottish national drink and has been made in Scotland for longer than anyone can remember.
It is probably the most famous Scottish food. A traditional Haggis will include the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep, onions, oats, and spices. However, today there are many different recipes for Haggis.
You can find a large number of different fast foods in Scotland, but there are also some strange fast foods. Most of them are deep fried in oil. The most famous of these unusual fast foods is the deep-fried chocolate bar.
- 300ml fresh double cream
-30g oatmeal
-20ml thick Scottish honey
-20ml Scotch whisky (optional)
-500g fresh raspberries
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ReplyDeleteOne for the whisky: Really a don´t know essential difference between "whisky", "whiskey" or "bourbon" (so, I know, the last one is from USA, isn´t it?). Can anyone say to me that difference...?
ReplyDeleteBut really I just want to tale something about Scotch people that I remember I read long time ago.In that book Hugo Pratt said he and a friend were at Scotland, traing to drink a glass of anything but not water, but it was not hour to do it. There was a law against italians drinkers with anarchiest clocks or something, you know. "Knock-knock", they knocked at the Inn closed door. "What do you want?" "We want a drink!" "It is not the hour." Then, Pratt, with intuition (he said), awnsered: "What´s the matter with you? It´s not possible that a man of Scotland goes down the English laws!" "Where do you come from?" "We are italians ando we used to drink any time, so Scotch people can´t be dominated..." "Come in", the inner said, opening the door, and whisky was everywhere for a long, log time...
I know I am not Shakerpeare. Sorry. So long.
whisky is irish whiskey is scottish
DeleteIt is the other way round. Whisky is Scottish
ReplyDeleteClan is a Gaelic word that means family. In traditional Scotland the clans were very important, but now they haven't got the same meaning as in the past. In Galicia we haven't got clans as the Scots, but the concept of family is very important to us. Well, to say all the truth, in Galicia we also have clans, but this term is used above all for the families that have a relation with drugs. In fact, there are some series on the TVG that show us the life of one of these clans.
Scots have the Gaelic and we have the Galician. However, these languages are very different. For example, in Scotland there aren't many people who know how to talk Gaelic, but in Galicia almost all the Galicians know how to talk Galician, despite they don't speak it in their normal lives. What's more, there are much more Galician speakers than Gaelic speakers. While above only sixty thousand people speak Gaelic, the Galician is spoken by 4 million of people! However, the use of the Galician is being reduced more and more.
The most traditional garment in Scotland is the kilt, but in Galicia we also have our own traditional clothes. If you want to know more of them, visit this web page (in Galician):
Nowadays, the Galician suit is only used in cultural performances (such as dances).
To distinguish the different clans of Scotland, the Scots use tartans, but in Galicia we haven't got tartans. However, some families have their own coat of arms that is the symbol of the family.
The bagpipes are the most traditional instruments in Scotland, just like Galicia! In Galicia there are lots of bagpipers that play this instrument and other traditional instruments like the small tambourines. The origin of the bagpipes is unknown, but the specialists say they are from Mesopotamia, but there are bagpipes in other countries, such as Portugal, France and Ireland. There is a cultural programme in the TVG called "Alalá" which talked with a Galician bagpiper. You can see the video (in Galician) in this web page:
http://www.crtvg.es/reproductor/inicio.asp?canal=tele&hora=30/03/2010 22:05:04&fecha=24/11/2009&arquivo=1&programa=ALALÁ&id_programa=7
In this video there are more information about Galician bagpipes too. Did you know that some Galician bagpipers were famous in the past? Look at the video and you will discover it.
Like in Scotland, in Galicia we also have lots of folk bands that remember us the Galician music of the past. In the TV programme Alalá you can see lots of these bands. Some of them were famous, others were only well-known in their villages, but all have the Galician music in their blood.
The most traditional parties in Galicia are the Midsummer ("Noite de San Xoán") and other parties that are celebrated in the villages once a year.
The Scots celebrated once a year a supper to remember Robert Burns. Here in Galicia we also have some important people that we remember once a year: 17th May, the day when we remember some important Galician writers (each year, a different writer).
At New Year's Eve, both Galicians and Scots celebrate a dinner with their families, but the tradition is different depending on the country. Here in Galicia (like in Spain) we eat twelve grapes to receive the New Year.
The Scots have the whisky, but here in Galicia we have another drinking: the wine. The most famous wine in Galicia is the "Albariño", that is very expensive too.
They're our two most famous meals, and they're well-known around the world. In fact, the first thing that the tourists do when they come to Galicia is eat them.
Here in Galicia we have fast food too, but not deep-fried like the Scottish. The most famous fast food of Galicia is the pancakes, which are usually eaten in Carnival.
Diego Pazos 4ºB
The clans are groups of families. In Scotland before divided into clans, but now there are very few and aren't so traditional. There in Galicia aren't clans.And I am not know but probably if they in the past.
ReplyDeleteAlso here there is a traditional language is Galician. This is very similar to the gaelic. Because only the older people and the mount speking and little city people and young people.
Galicia hasn't kilt, this clothing is only of Scotland and is used for special occasions but here is a man or boy leads skirt called it gay. But if there are a few costumes that are used for many years and now is used for dances and festivals.
The tartar is a medallion that tells your clan. But only here there are normal clasp ornaments.
The bagpipes is the traditional instrument of Scotland. There are several types of bagpipes in the world. In Galicia the more seemed is the bagpipe galician, it's play the popular groups generally.
Ceilidh is a word meaning `visit´, there isn't a special word in Galicia.
In Scotland there is a special day for Robert Burs a Scottish poet, here there is a special day for important Galician people of the past. That day is called the day of the Galician letters.
The hogmanay is the more important Scottish is 12 December. Here is the day of old night and it's very excited.
The Whisky is the most famous of Scotland, here there isn't Spanish whiskey.
Haggis is one of Scotland's most famous meals and recipes. I believe that the food more famous Galician is the Octopus and the seafood.
In Scotland there is much fast food, perhaps the worst is the deep-fried chocolate !that dirty! I think that in here the fast food is the pastry, but it isn't as bad that the Scottish fast food.
Ana Cepeda Cardona 4ºB
First part:
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter Richard MacAndrew talk us about the traditional Scotland, giving true facts about all the things that we can think when we try to imagine how were the Scottish in the past, and how are them nowadays.
First of all I want to talk about fashion. When we think about fashion in our times, we think about models, runways, expensive clothes... but what happen if we think about fashion, many years ago? Yes, many years ago fashion existed too, in a different way of nowadays of course, but there were some special clothes in each country, estate... that were used on Sundays or for going to a special celebration.
In Scotland this traditional clothe is called “kilt”; first it was traditional only in the Highlands, but after some years it was known all over Scotland. It is a short skirt, with a design of squares of different colours, and all people (boys and men too) wear it. As I say before, these kinds of clothes are only use in special celebrations like weddings, parties... In the case of kilts, Scots people wear them when they want that other people know that they are from Scotland too.
In Galicia we have also a traditional costume that we use nowadays when we dance a song of us called “Muñeira”, but in our case we have two different costumes; one for men and one for women. The women costume is a big and large red skirt, with something like a black leather apron) over it, white socks, black shoes, a white shirt and a black cloak that women move while they are dancing. Finally, in their hairs, women make a pigtail or use a headscarf.
In the case of men the costume it’s a white shirt, black trousers a bit more big than shorts, black shoes, white large stockings, a hat called “boina” (beret) in the head and finally, a black sleeveless pullover. In our case, in the past it was used for going to special and big celebrations, and when there were a party related with the Catholic Church.
You can find more information about Galician traditional costumes in this web page:
http://www.danzatradicional.com/v_portal/informacion/informacionver.asp?cod=44&te=33&idage=46&vap=0 (in Spanish)
And more about kilts in this one:
http://www.heritageofscotland.com/p,kilt,page.php(in English)
Another traditional thing that we conserve these days is music. However, we change the type of music, the instruments... but there are people that know how to play the traditional instruments of our countries, and some of them are use in the actually too.
In Scotland the traditional form of Scottish music is the bagpipe, the most popular kind is the Highland bagpipe or “the Great Pipe”. They are usually played in a band of pipes and drums, but they are played by people on their own too. This kind of instrument it’s very similar to our traditional one; the “gaita”, that it’s played nowadays only by a few people but, in the past, it was the most popular and important instrument here, in Galicia. Scottish have a popular music group that combines bagpipes with guitars, violins and many other strange and interesting instruments, they mix traditional Gaelic music with some American folk songs. Here you can read more about their singers:
http://www.footstompin.com/artists/bodega (in English)
Galicians have some popular groups that play the “gaita” too, and we have also some singers that make their own CDs only with gaita’s songs. In this web page you can find more information about one singer that play the gaita and that it’s from our small village; Susana Seivane:
http://www.susanaseivane.net/ga/index.htm (in Galician)
http://www.susanaseivane.net/en/index.htm (in English)
Andrea Patiño Vázquez 4ºB
Second part:
ReplyDeleteI have talked about music and fashion in both “countries”, and now I will talk about another important thing in the tradition of the places and the languages: the books. In books writers talk about many different things such as historical facts, fiction stories, humour, poetry... without these books we wouldn’t be like we are now, because in these books we have some words of languages that today doesn’t exist, we have our history, our tradition, in most of the poems that we conserve there are things relatives to our community and the easy or hard times that we had to live many years ago. Without books we wouldn’t have all the culture that we own. Because of that we should remember writers and their compositions, we should celebrate special festivals where all people can go and learn more things about writers, about their books, and make possible that all people can read them by building libraries.
In Scotland one of the most famous writers is Robert Burns; it was a Scottish poet. He was and he is so popular, that on 25th January, all over the world, Scots have a traditional Burn’s supper t remember him. In these parties it’s usually that a piper plays, that the guests eat haggis and drink whisky while some of Burn’s poems are read.
In Galicia I don’t know if we have a special party to remember and to honour a writer, but in a lot of countries (Spain too) it exist the World Book and Copyright Day since 1996, all 23th of April. In this day some writers receive a prize called Cervantes’s Prize and it try to promote reading, publishing and copyright. In this day all people try to foment the lecture all over the world. Here are some interesting dates about this day:
Last but not least, I want to talk about gastronomy. In the book we can read some information about whisky and about a traditional Scottish pudding, but I don’t have many things to add in this point because in the book we can find the recipe with all the instructions and measures of ingredients that we need. And he talks about fast food too, something that here, in Galicia, is popular but not so much. Why? Because our gastronomy is the best, it’s unique and very tasty. For example, a plate that it’s known all over the world is “Galician octopus”, it’s a very easy plate, you only have to boil the octopus with oil and salt. Then you have to boil the potatoes with salt, and you have your octopus Galician style. I have found a YouTube video were you can see and listen how to make octopus Spanish Style in English language, but I think that the way I say before is more easy than the video!
And to finish in Galicia we have a desert, knowing in other countries of the world like “crepes”, but that is a little bit different. The recipe it’s similar, but crepes are larger than “filloas”. I really like this desert because you can mix it with all you want like: sugar, honey, jam, cream, chocolate... mmmmm delicious!
If you want to know more information about almost all things that I have spoken before, you can visit this web page (in English), that it’s like a Galicia Guide:
http://www.galiciaguide.com/Culture-index.html (in English)
Andrea Patiño Vázquez 4ºB
In galicia we haven't tradition with the fast food here our tradition to the atlantic diet:fishes,meets,and vegetables all boil whith the estepcion of the filloas similar to the creps but more slim that are fried,taditionaly with pork grease the special feature of this food is that this are made over a stone.What in scotland is the whisky here is the augardente this is an alcohol wiht a very higt graduation been wiht rest of graves.With the augardente here we do a ceremony frigten away the wiches called `queimada´.The traditional instruments in galicia are:to melody:the gaita(a tipe of pipe)the zanfona(is a box of wood that use a wheel polished that rub with a string and this produce the sound that is controled with a keyboard)and he `requinta´a tipe of flute tipical of some gaician zones ;to percusion the drums called `tamboril´,the `pandeiro´,the `pandereta´,the `bombo´and the `pandeira´
ReplyDelete.Also in Galicia have a lot of typical music that is sang this singers hava a spacial name `cantareiras´normalli the songs are about deads,the words of the countrie,histories...
the tipical clouds here are few used practise alone are used for the pipers dancers and singers of tipical music
A festival most important here is the festival of Ortigueira where play a lot of celtic music groups
Alexandre estalote 4thB
"Clan is a Gaelic word meaning family.Before a clan was very important but nowadays they have lost their meaning in the same way.
ReplyDeleteIn Galicia there aren't clans but families are very important.
What is Gaelic?
Scottish Gaelic is the oldest language used in scotland.It is spoken by just under sixty thousand people.These days Gaelic is taught in schools and Gaelic speakers has grown.
In Galicia,the Galician language is spoken by almost all us and it is tought in school too.
What is a kilt?
The kilt is a traditional Scottish cloth.It is like a skirt.They wear a kilt when they want other people to know they are scottish,for example in a inetrnational football or rugbby matches,or parties and weddings.
In Galicia,there is also a traditional cloth.It is worn all over in traditional festivals.
What is Tartan?
Tartan ia a pattern which is put on the cloth as a desing.However,different clans decided to have their own Tartans.
What are bagpipes?
A pipe is a traditional music instrument and they are played in scotland and in Galicia too.
What is a ceilidh?
Ceilidh means 'visit'.In the past people would get together in someone's house and tell stories and poems.In Galicia people did the same but I don't know the name.
In my neighbourhood there is a bar called (filandon) and this word is like ceilidh.
What is a Burns supper?In Scotland on 25 January,all over the world,Scots people have a traditional Burns supper to remember Robert Burns (a famous poet).They eat haggis,drink whisky and read and sing his poems.Here,in Galicia on 17 May we remember a famous Galician writer.
What is Hogmanay?
Hogmanay is a party which is celebrated on 31 December .
A person visit a friend and he/she gives a present.
In Galicia we also have parties as "A noite de san Xoan" we light bonfires, eat sardines and It is a magic night.
What is whisky?
Whisky is the scottish national drink.It has been made in Scotland for longer than anyone can remenber.
In Galicia we have diffent,white wines very good.An a drink called "queimada".
What is haggis?
Although they can be made with different recipes they include heart,liver,lungs of a sheep,onion,oats and spices.Before it was a poor food.However today you can find in the best restaurants.
In Galicia we enjoy a very varied food as octopus,seafood and "cocido" too.
Fast food.
The fast food is similar in any place,they are tasty but unhealthy.They do 'fish and chips' or 'deep fried oil' in Galicia too.
Young people usually eat this type of food.
Samuel Rodríguez Novoa 4ºB
ReplyDeleteIn galicia, people doesn't lives in clans like in Scotland. People in Galicia are more liberal, but the families are very important in galician's society.
People in Scotland speak Gaelic, a oldest language.
Here in Galicia, people speak "Gallego" or Galician. Galician is a very important language for Galicians, but other people in Spain thinks that this language isn't important enough.
A Kilt is an important clothe in Scotland. I think that in Galicia there aren't an important clothe, but you can find people that wears strange clothes, like around the world.
A Tartan is the name given to the pattern you usually find on kilts.
If in Galicia, there aren't an important clothe like a Kilt, neither are a Tartan.
They are the traditional form of Scottish music.
In Galicia yo can find "muiñeiras" or other traditional music that people listen.
Bodega-New Scottish Music Rocks Us Festival:
Bodega is the name of a five-piece band who came from different parts of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. They mix traditional Gaelic music with American folk songs and some of their own songs.
In Galicia aren't a band more important than other. All bands are respected.
In Galicia, people also go to other houses to tell scary stories, specially in "samaín", called halloween in Scotland.
Burns Supper:
Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet. On 25 January, all over the world, Scots people have a traditional Burns supper to remember him.
In Galicia are goods poets also like Castelao or Rosalía de Castro.
Here there are a day to remember they too! the "día das letras galegas".
It is the word the Scots use for new Year's Eve. At midnight, they sing a Robert Burns song and then, they go and visit their friends and neighbours to wish them a Happy New Year.
I don't know a similar story in Galicia.
I think that it's a good way to celebrate something.
It is the Scottish national drink and has been made in Scotland for longer than anyone can remember.
In Galicia you can drink a "queimada". Now there are a lot of young peolple doing "botellón". Botellón is when meets many people and they drink a lot.
In galicia are a lot of famous and tipical food. You can eat "caldo Gallego", "lacón con grelos", "raxo con patacas"...
Fast food:
In Scotland are a lot of places where sell fast food. In Galicia people are more healthy and they don't eat a lot of fast food.
Manuel Martínez Iglesias 4ºA
I think that in Galicia there aren’t any groups similar to the Scottish clans. Here, the people are organized in families or clubs. Only in some parts of Galicia called “aldeas”, the families are bigger and have other mean than in the towns.
ReplyDeleteGalicia only has one language recognized: Galician. Then, this language is spoken by different forms by the people of all sites of Galicia. There are few people who speak Galician which appears on the dictionary. A lot of people mix Spanish words with Galician words. It is called “castrapo”.
Here, the traditional clothes are used by people called “muiñeiros”. For the girls, these clothes are a red long skirt, a white shirt and a black thing similar to vest. There are more clothes but they’re difficult to explain in English. The muiñeiros’ clothes are used for dancing our traditional dance: the “muiñeira”. When I was a child, I have danced it.
We only have the Camiño de Santiago’s pattern, I think. It is a shell.
In Galicia the bagpipes and bagpipers are very popular too. In fact, they appear in a Galicia TV advertisement representing one of our customs. I think that the most famous bagpiper here is Carlos Núñez. I like a lot of his songs because they can make me smile.
We have a lot of groups of music that play Galician traditional songs. Some of them are Luar na Lubre, Milladoiro, Herdeiros da cruz, etc, but I don’t like these songs. I think that they are too boring and for old people. I prefer pop music.
I think that we haven’t any word which means something similar to ceilidh.
The most popular poetess here is Rosalía de Castro. She published her book Cantares Galegos on 17th May of 1863. Now, the 17th May is the “Galician Letters Day” and all years we homage one Galician writer. In 2009, this writer was Ramón Piñeiro, but I don’t know who is the 2010’s writer.
Here, we celebrate the Happy New Year dinning whit the family and then, going to parties. We haven’t got a specific word for call this day.
In Galicia, I think that the most famous drinks are the wine and our traditional beer called “Estrella Galicia”. This beer is very important here and it’s one of few things which like all Galician people. However, we also drink whisky like in Scotland.
Galicia is special because all Spanish people know that we have the best food. Some of our typical foods are the octopus, the shellfish in general and the filloas. I like all of these foods but I love octopus. I can’t understand the people who don’t like it.
Noemí Cortés Seoane 4ºB
ReplyDeleteIn Scotland, “clan” is a word meaning family, but here we haven’t got clans. Although in Galicia the family is very important too.
In Galicia we spick two languages: the Galician and de Spanish. The Galician only is spoken in Galicia, but the Spanish is spoken in all of Spain. Here, the people, in general, speak Spanish but the Galician is spoken by four million of people and in Scotland, the Gaelic is spoken by sixty thousand. Also the Galician has a lot of dialects. This language is more used in the country than in the city.
In Scotland the traditional clothing is the kilt. Galicia has a traditional clothing too, but it’s different for men and women. The men wear trousers and the women wear skirts, but in Scotland everybody wear kilts.
The tartan is the name that the Scottish given to the pattern that you usually find on kilts. Here, you haven’t find tartan.
In Scotland and in Galicia the bagpipes is a traditional instrument. The most famous bagpipe in Scotland is the Highland bagpipe or “the Great Pipe” and in Galicia there are many different kinds of bagpipes.
In Scotland the most famous poet is Robert Burns and in Galicia is Rosalía de Castro. The 25 of January the Scots people have a traditional Burs supper to Remember Robert Burns. In Galicia, we also have a celebration for remember famous people who are died, his name is “Galician Letters day” and we celebrate it the 17 of May.
Hogmanay is the word that the Scots use for New Years Eve or 31 December, here, we don’t use this word but this party is very important too. Both places have got a similar way to celebrate it.
In Scotland the national drink is the Whisky, but in Galicia we have the wine and the beer. The most famous wine here is the “Albariño”, and the most famous beer is the “Estrella Galicia”. The Galician people usually drink beer because is cheaper than the wine.
Haggis is probably the most famous Scottish food, here we don’t eat it. In Galicia octopus and pie are the most famous Galician food.
In Galicia like in Scotland the fast food is very typical. I think that it’s because it’s very cheap. Here, you can find a lot of different fast foods, but the most common are the hamburger, the hot dog, the pizza and the chips.
Laura Graña 4ºB
As in Scotland the language is gaelic , in Galicia we also have our own language : galician .
ReplyDeleteGalician and Gaelic is taught in schools and there are galician tv programns and galician pop bands.
In Galicia there isn't a traditional clothing like in Scotland .
Like in Scotland pipes are traditional in Galicia.
As Robert Burns was a famous scottish poet, Rosalia de Castro was a very famous poet in Galicia.
There isn't a tradition as hogmanay in Galicia.
The wisky is also famous in Galicia but not as much as it is in Scotland however here we have got "orujo" .
Like haggis are the most famous sottish food , the "cocido" is most famous galician food . And one of our most famous desserts are "requeson".
Fátima Rial Cortés 4ºB
I think that this traditions are very similar than Galicia's traditions.
ReplyDeleteFirst, I want to say that clans in Galicia don't exist, but I think that chief's clan is similar that the "caciques" of Galicia. Maybe clans probably were similar then the "campesinos" in Galicia who pay to the "cacique".
Gaelic is a language typical os Scotland, and it produces a special accent to talk English. In Galicia, there is the Galician language, that it also produces a special accent to talk Spanish too in the galician people.
In Scotland, there are traditional clothes like kilts, but I am not sure if there are typical clothes in Galicia. However, there are "boinas" and the Muiñeira's clothes (but they are similar with Spanish's clothes of interios zones).
In Scotland, there is a tartan. I think that in Galicia there are charasteristic and very similar the "encaixe". There are specific materials with wool or linen.
If in Scotland there are bagpipes, in Galicia there are "Gaitas" of course!The "gaita" is the same instrument that the bagpipe, but I think that there are some differences.
There are music folk groups in Scotland like "bodega". Well, in Galicia there are folk groups too like "Herdeiros da Crus", "Luar na Lubre" or singers and instrumentalist like "Luz Casal", "Susana Seivane" or "Cristina Pato".
"Ceilidh" is a word that means "visit" or "an evening of singing and dancing". I think that in Galicia there isn't any word similar to "ceilidh".
In Scotland, there was an poet called Robert Burns. On 25 January, Scottish people remember him. In Galicia, the situation is too similar: in a year, there are the Letras Galegas day, and inside this day, people remember a galician writer. Letras Galegas day is celebrated on 17 May.
"Hogmanay" is a party that is celebrated in the New Year's Day and on 31 December. In Galicia, there is the "Nochevieja" or "Noitevella", that is celebrated the same day as Hogmanay. In "Nochevieja", people must to eat twelve grapes.
In Scotland, there is a typical drink called whisky. Well, in Galicia there are typical drinks too, for example, wines and alcohol drinks like the "Aguardiente"(In the "queimada") or the anisette.
In Scotland, the typical food is the Haggis, and in Galicia it is the "Lacon con grelos" of course. It will include meat, and the "grelos" (a type of vegetable). It will include potatoes too. In Galicia, they are more typical foods, like the "Pulpo" or "Polbo", the "Callos" and the "Filloas".
In Galicia, there isn't typical fast food. However, in the cities there are shops like "Mc Donalds", "Burguer King" or "Foster Hollywood".
BIZCOCHON: a traditional galician dessert
- 1 lemon juice
- 6 eggs
- 150 g flour
- 250 g sugar
- butter
Fabio Veiga Rey, 4ºA
In Galicia there aren't clans which means Family, but the people usually have a lot of family.
ReplyDeleteGalicia don't have skilt as a traditional clothing. The people here wear the clothes as every people like. In Scotland the boys wear skilt like a skirt. I think if the boys wear skilt, should be in Carnaval, otherwise, people would look bad or laugh. In the parties people usually wear checked shirts and smart trousers but never skirt.
I think in Galicia neither has tartan, but i think in this moment, people different of other people for the dress. The tartan is a good idea, but I see a little dated.
In Galicia also are the bagpipes. In Scotland are the most traditional. The most popular kind is the Great Pipe. I think in Galicia also have a lot of kinds.
Bodega are a five-piece band. They mix traditional Gaelic music with American folks songs and some of their own songs. They sing in Gaelic and in English.
Ceilidh is a Gaelic word that means "visit". I don't know about a word which means the similar in Galicia.
Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet. He wrote poems and songs in both scots and English. The people remember Robert Burns the 25 January. I think in Galicia there is the 17 May is "el día de las letras gallegas" Every day remember different poets.
Scotland have a party, it is the Hogmanay. Here we also celebrate the 31 december the new year, but i think in Scotland the party is bigger than Galicia. I think in Galicia is more important the Christmas than the Hogmanay.
Wishky is the Scottish national drink. Whisky also made in many other countries like Ireland, America, but the scot is the best. I don't think about a national drink in Galicia, but I think in Galicia the people drink a lot of wine and a lot of beer. The most popular beer is the "Estrella Galicia" and the most popular wine is "Albariño".
In scotland the most famous food is Haggis, which includ the heart, liver and lungs of a sheep,onion,oats,and spices. In Galicia the most famous food is the Melide's Octopus.
The most famous fast food is the deep-fried chocolate bar, which is very unhealthy. I think the most traditional fast food in Galicia are the hot dogs and the hamburguers.
Nahir Kusznieryk 4ºA
ReplyDeletePeople in Galician don't live in clans, people often live in families, mainly with parents and brothers or sisters.
In Galicia, people speak Spanish or Galician. Never was an old lenguage.
here there is a trditional clothing. We can see this clothes when we are in traditional parties for example, when people dance traditional music, they wear tradicional clothes in Galicia. The music called "muiñeiras"
well... if in galician there is a tartan, i think it's a white background whit a transversal blue line, like galician flag.
I've just named this. The traditional music called "muiñeiras".
i don´t know much about it in galician, but my father sayed me that, when he was young, sometimes, once or twice a week, his granfather was told histories or anecdotes at night, when everyone was around the fire.
In galician there were a lot of important poets, but the most importan poet was Rosalia de Castro. This woman wrote importants texts, and she is very famous.
Here, we don't have a word for new years. We only say "happy new year".
I think, here there isn't a national drink like tea in England or Vodka in Rusia. Here each drink what you want and when you want.
In Galician the best is the seafood. We are famous because this.
This, is one of the best places where you eat.
ReplyDeleteIn Galicia there aren't clans with the family, but we also live in families. Sometimes there are fights between the families here, but they aren't very important.
We have our language too. The Galician is our language! But now is spoken only in the villages. Our language shouldn't disappear.
We haven't a special and property wear, we dress like everyone! Well, there´s a special cap called ''Boina''. It's usually worn by villagers.
In Galicia the Galician bagpipe and the metallic flute are the most popular instrument.Our main music is folk genre. The musicians combine all instruments from Galicia and they create music with a lot of rythm.
We also have a folk festival in Ortigueira. It's the most popular festival in Galicia. Many people of Spain wants to go there because it's a party without end!
In october, the galician people celebrate an event called ''Magosto''. It's an interesant party where we eat a lot of chesnuts!
When a new year starts, we haven't a special word, we say happy new year, congratulations or something like that. I think that a word that means ''happy new year'' isn't essential.
The most famous drink in Galicia is the wine. Galicia produces a number of high quality wines, including Albariño, Ribeiro, Ribeira Sacra and Valdeorras. The grape varieties used are local and are rarely found outside Galicia and northern Portugal.
Food:The gastronomy of Galicia known for its variety and quality of its products, proven in many cases by 30 Galician products with designation of origin, some of them with Protected Designation of Origin.In Galician cuisine is often used fish and shellfish. The Galician empanada is a typical dish from Galicia, filled with meat or fish. The Galician soup is a rich soup whose main ingredients are potatoes and turnip greens. Grelo is also used in the pork with turnip greens, a dish of Carnival, which consists of cooked pork ham with turnip greens, potatoes and chorizo. The crab is the equivalent of king crab. Prepare to be boiled alive, having its main body open like a shell, and then mixed vigorously her womb. Another popular dish is the Galician octopus, boiled (traditionally in a copper pot) and served on a wooden platter, cut into small pieces and sprinkled with olive oil, sea salt and paprika.
There are several regional varieties of cheese. The best known is called nipple cheese, named for its shape, similar to the breast of a woman. Other varieties include critically acclaimed San Simon Villalba cheese and cream cheese produced in the area Arzúa-Curtis. The latter area also produces beef quality. A classic dessert crepes are a crepe-like food made from flour, milk and eggs. When cooking a feast of pork, can also contain animal blood. In Santiago de Compostela is produced a famous cake, almond cake served.
We also prepare ''filloas'' and donuts!
-6 eggs
-½ liter of milk
-75 g flour
-70 grams of butter
lard or bacon
Put in a blender or TURBOMIX, beat the eggs first, then add the melted butter and flour, mix, add milk and salt. Let the mixture rest.
Put a frying pan to heat, grease the bottom of the pan with lard or bacon, if it is very greasy, remove with a napkin. Pour a ladle a little of the mixture, we must be careful not to put too much, stay fine for the more tastier. Allow to solidify and with the help of a spatula to flip the crepe. Allow to brown and remove.
They can be served alone rolled, dusted with cinnamon and powdered sugar.
Sergio Simarro Martínez 4ºA
A Scottish clan was a large family or group of families with a ``chief´´ . There aren´t clans in Galicia , but the Galician rural families helped each other with the farming jobs many years ago.
ReplyDeleteScottish Gaelic is the oldest language in Scotland . The own language in Galicia is Galician. Scottish people speak English and Gaelic and Galician people speak Spanish and Galician .
The kilt is a traditional Scottish clothing . It´s used by everybody : women , men and boys. But they only wear the kilt in special events . In Galicia , only women wear skirts and they wear them every days .
Tartan is a design of lines , colours ... used on kilts . In Galicia people wear traditional clothes on the folk dances.
Both Galicia and Scotland the bagpipes are traditional instruments . They are played in bands and when there is a popular party.
Bodega is a new Scottish music band . They play traditional Gaelic music with American folk songs . In Galicia , there are also some important music groups , like : Milladoiro , Luar Na Lubre , Marta Sánchez , ...
A ``celidh´´ is a Gaelic world that means ``visit´´ . Both Scotland and Galicia , many years ago , people got together in someone´s house , aroundd the honfire , and they told stories , sang and danced .
Every 25 January , Scots people eat ``haggis´´ and drink ``whisky´´ . It´s the Burns supper , to remember a Robert Burns , a famous Scottish poet .
In Galicia , we celebrate every 17 May the ``Galician Letters Day´´ , dedicated to a famous Galician writer died , at least , ten years ago.
Both Scotland and Galicia people celebrate the New Year´s Eve or 31 December. In Scotland it´s called ``Hogmanay´´ . The main difference is in Galicia we ear twelve grapes and in Scotland eat ``shortbread´´ and drink ``whisky´´.
The Scottish traditional drink is whisky . In Galicia we have Ribeiro´s wine and a liquor called ``Augardente´´.
The typical Scottish food is Haggis . But there is also gast food , deep fried in oil . In Galicia there are many famous recipes: ``Lacon with Grelos , Octopus , Galician pie , the Cocido , Filloas m Santiago´s cake ...´´
However , fast food is replacing the Galician food.
A clan in Scotland is a large group of families, but here in Galicia, there weren't clans, but the families used to help each other on their tasks, for example planting potatoes or another vegetable. The people who still living in the countryside, are still doing this.
ReplyDeleteIn Scotland, many people talk Gaelic, but there are only about sixty thousand speakers, in Galicia, we have our own language, the Galician, wich is talked by 3.188.400 people in Galicia, and by 2.587.407 people in Portugal, Castilla y León and another countries.
In Scotland, the traditional clothes are for example the kilt, wich is like a skirt, it is use by men, boys and many people. In Galicia we have:
-For women: the dengue,the mantil,the refaixo, the mantelo and the cofia, for example.
-For men: the monterira, the xibón, the cirolas, the varapao and the clogs.
As in Scotland, the bagpipe is too traditional in Galicia. Another thing that is related to the bagpipe is the traditional dance, called the muiñeira. The bagpipes used to play in parties with a drummer.
In Galicia,on New Year's eve, we celebrate a partie like Hogmanay, but in Galicia we eat grapes.
Whisky is a traditional drink in Scotland, here in Galicia, is the wine, wich is usually homemade.
Another traditional thing in Galicia is the food, we have the octopus, the pancakes, the pie, the seafood, the fish, the known pork shoulder with turnip, high-quality wines including Albariño, Ribeiro, Ribeira Sacra and Valdeorras and the tetilla cheese.
Sergio Bugallo Enjamio 4ºA
In scotland they speak arelive and Galician we speak in galego. they have got a Gaelic TV, Gaelic pop bones and in Galician we have got a Galician TV, Galician popbros and work bands too. In Scotland they have got vult, and in galician we have got the wear tuaditorpal, in galician we play the "gaita". The two instruments they are very similar but the avant. In Scotland the national drink is the whisky, in 2006 an eighty year old bottle of. Scotch whisky was sold in new your for $20000. In Galician traditional drink is wine for example Alvariño, Riveiro etc. The tradiotanally food in Scootland is Haggis, it is a sheep, onion, oats, and spizas, in Galician he tipical food is "Callos" is it a met the pig, chik-peas, etc.
ReplyDeleteRodríguez Seoane Rodrigo 4ºA
A Scottish clan was a large family or group of families with a ``chief´´ . There aren´t clans in Galicia , but the Galician rural families helped each other with the farming jobs many years ago.
ReplyDeleteScottish Gaelic is the oldest language in Scotland . The own language in Galicia is Galician. Scottish people speak English and Gaelic and Galician people speak Spanish and Galician .
The kilt is a traditional Scottish clothing . It´s used by everybody : women , men and boys. But they only wear the kilt in special events . In Galicia , only women wear skirts and they wear them every days .
Tartan is a design of lines , colours ... used on kilts . In Galicia people wear traditional clothes on the folk dances.
Both Galicia and Scotland the bagpipes are traditional instruments . They are played in bands and when there is a popular party.
Bodega is a new Scottish music band . They play traditional Gaelic music with American folk songs . In Galicia , there are also some important music groups , like : Milladoiro , Luar Na Lubre , Marta Sánchez , ...
A ``celidh´´ is a Gaelic world that means ``visit´´ . Both Scotland and Galicia , many years ago , people got together in someone´s house , aroundd the honfire , and they told stories , sang and danced .
Every 25 January , Scots people eat ``haggis´´ and drink ``whisky´´ . It´s the Burns supper , to remember a Robert Burns , a famous Scottish poet .
In Galicia , we celebrate every 17 May the ``Galician Letters Day´´ , dedicated to a famous Galician writer died , at least , ten years ago.
Both Scotland and Galicia people celebrate the New Year´s Eve or 31 December. In Scotland it´s called ``Hogmanay´´ . The main difference is in Galicia we ear twelve grapes and in Scotland eat ``shortbread´´ and drink ``whisky´´.
The Scottish traditional drink is whisky . In Galicia we have Ribeiro´s wine and a liquor called ``Augardente´´.
The typical Scottish food is Haggis . But there is also gast food , deep fried in oil . In Galicia there are many famous recipes: ``Lacon with Grelos , Octopus , Galician pie , the Cocido , Filloas m Santiago´s cake ...´´
However , fast food is replacing the Galician food.
Alberto Vázquez Rodríguez 4ºA
A clan in Scotland is a large family or group of families. They had to do the things that the leader told them. Here, in Galicia, we use to live with our family. Today, there are still some clans in Scotland.
ReplyDeleteSome people speak Gaelic, which is the oldest language in Scotland. Today, it's spoken by sixty thousand people there. It's very similar to Irish Gaelic, but it's not the same. Here, in Galicia, we also have our own language, the Galician, which is spoken by millions of people.
The kilt is the traditional Scottish clothing. People wear them like a skirt. Men wear them too. People wear them whem they want to look good. Maybe for weddings or for parties. It's a peculiar clothing, and people can know that the person who wears it, is Scottish. In Galicia, there's not a typical clothing.
Tartan is the pattern that people wear in their kilts. You can find it skirts, trousers, etc. However, different clans decided to wear their own tartans.
No one knows how or when the bagpipes became the traditional form of Scottish music. The most popular kind is the Great Pipe. They can be played in a band of pipes and drums, and there are pipes on a city street playing so that people give money. In galicia you can find "la gaita", it's very similar to a bagpipe, and it's a very important thing in Galicia's culture.
Ceilidh is a Gaelic word which means "visit". In the past, people told stories and poems in someone's house. Now, this word usually means an evening of singing and dancing.
The most famous poet in Scotland is Robert Burns. On 25 January, Scottish people have a traditional Burns supper to remember him. They usually enjoy traditional Scottish food and drink, and they also read some of his poems. Some famous and important galician writers are Rosalia de Castro, Castelao, Curros Enriquez,...
Hogmanay is the word the Scots use for 31 December. At midnight, they sing a Robert Burns song. Scottish people often visit their friends and neighbours to wish them a Happy New Year. This is called "first-footing".
Whisky is the national drink in Scotland. Whisky has been made in other countries, but the Scottish whisky is the best. In 2006 an eighty-year-old bottle os Scotch whisky was sold in New York for $20,000. The typical alcohol drink in Galicia is Estrella Galicia. It's a very important beer.
Haggis is the most popular food in Scotland. The ingredients are cut into very small pieces and mixed together. Traditionally they were cooked in a sheep's stomach. Now you can find it everywhere. One of the typical Galician food is octopus. Other important food here could be "caldo", "lacon con grelos", etc.
There is excellent fast food in Scotland. The most popular is the "fish supper", which is made of fish and chips. There are also some peculiar fast foods, like deep-fried pizza or deep-fried banana. Here, the fast foot is not a typical food, however it's popular.
And finally, this is the recipe of a traditional Scottish pudding, cranachan:
· 300ml fresh double cream
· 30g oatmeal
· 20ml thick Scottish honey
· 20ml Scotch whisky (optional)
· 500g fresh raspberries
Martin Boado Carro 4ºA
In Galicia the people have a lot of family but there aren't clans which means Family.
ReplyDeleteGalicia don´t have tradicional clothing but in the past the women used clothing that is now called "TRAJE DE BAILE GALLEGO".In Scotland the men use kilts in parties and for weddings.
In Galicia neither has tartan,I don´t like it I think is ugly.
Galicia has a lot of tips of bagpipes because is a tipical instrument here,in Scotland the most popular kind is the Great Pipe.
Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet. He wrote poems and songs in both scots and English. The people remember he the 25 January.In Galicia the 17 May remember different poets every year.
An important party in Scotland is the Hogmanay, it is the biggest party in Scotland.In Galicia I think that the biggest party is Christmas with the family.
The whisky is the Scottish national drink and has been made in Scotland for longer than anyonce can remember.Galicia has many types of vine for example:Albariño ,Ribeiro ...
In scotland the most famous food is Haggis,in Galicia I think the most important food is the "caldo gallego".
Cristina Fuertes Canosa 4ºA
Clans: it is, in Scotland, a family very large or groups of families.
ReplyDeleteIn Galicia there isn't clans
Languaje: The languaje of Scotland is the Gaelic but now the people talk in english too.
The languaje of Galicia is the Galician but now the Galician peolpe use more the Spanish than the Galician.
Clothes: The most traditional Scottish clothe is the kilt, thee is a skirt that it uses for parties and typical events.
In Galicia there aren't any clothe so traditional that the kilt.
In the kilt we usually find tartans they are lines of diferents colours in the clothes.
Music: The bagpipe is a very typical Scottish instrument, there are a lot of tipes of bagpipes but in Scotland the most pupular is "The Great Pipe" and in Galicia the most popular bagpipes is the "Galician Bagpipe"
Customs: Some Scottish costumes are the ceilidh, that today means an evening of singing and dancing, the Burns supper, that is a party in honor of Robert Burns, the party celebrates on 25 January, and the Hogmanay, that it is te biggest Scottish party it celebrates 31 December.
In Galicia there are some typical parties too, that "A rapa das Bestas" where the people cut the horsehair.
Food and Drinks: The most popular Scottish drink is the wisky. However, wisky are made in other countries that India and Japan.
In Galicia a typical drink is the "Queimada" but the people only drink it in "San Juán", on 23 June, other tpical drink is the Galician wine.
the fast food in Scotland are fish and chips or something deep fried in oil, and in Galicia the fast food are hamburguers, pizza...
David Vázquez 4ºB
Clan: there aren't clans in Galicia, the people live in family but they don't live with others families.
ReplyDeleteLanguage:The galician people use the galician and the spanish languages, there are places where the people use more the galician and there are others where it is different.Few years ago, the galician was prohibited because there is a person who wants we talk only the spanish language, his name was Franco.
Music traditional: We use the tradicional clothes when we dance the popular music called "Muiñeiras". The most popular galician instruments are: bagpipes,tambourine,...In Scotland also are very popular the bagpipes, the two places have in common what have a celta past.
Food:the shellfish is the most important product what we can find in Galicia, i think it is tasty, I never eat the haggis, but I think the shellfish is tastier than haggis.
Poets: There are a lot of famous galician writers as Rosalia de Castro, Otero Pedrayo, Luís Seoane, Eduardo Pondal, Curros Enríquez,...They are our representatives culturally.
Drink: The mosts importants drinks in Galicia are the wine and the beer, also there are a lot of famous waters as Fontecelta,Cabreiroá, Mondariz,...In Spain, the galician wine called ALbariño is very known and now also is very known our beer Estrella Galicia in the peninsula.
Uxío Toxo 4º A
In Galicia the people doesn't lives in clans like in Scotland.
ReplyDeletePeople in Scotland speak Gaeli
in Galicia the people speak "Galego" or Galician. Galician is a very important language for Galicians
A Kilt is a clothe in Scotland. I think that in Galicia there aren't an important clothe,
Bagpipes, They are the traditional Scottish music.
In Galicia there are "muiñeiras" celta music or other traditional.
In Galicia the people to tell scary stories in "samaín", called halloween in Scotland.
Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet.In Galicia are goods poets also like Castelao or Rosalía de Castro, Curros.
WiskyIt is the Scottish national drink and has been made in Scotland .In Galicia the tipical drink is a "queimada".
In galicia are a lot of famous food. You can eat "cocido", "pulpo", "marisco” etc
In Galicia people are more healthy and they don't eat a lot of fast food. In Scotland are a lot of places where sell fast food.
ReplyDeletePeople in galicia not live in clans and in Scotland. In Galicia, the family is more important.
In Galicia there are two official languages, Galician and Spanish, but people in the villages speak Galician and in the city speak Spanish.
In Scotland the kilst is a important clothe but in Galicia there aren't a important clothe only in partys.
In galicia there aren't a important clothe like a kilt, so there isn't Tartan.
Bagpipes are the traditional music in Scotland. In galicia the traditional music are ''gaiteiros'' and ''muiñeiras''
It is a Scottish music group that mixes old and new music.In Galicia there are many musical groups including ''Heredeiros da Crus'' and ''Mago de Oz''
In galicia many years the people of the villages also told stories of ''Meigas''
Burns Supper:
In Galicia is remembered the most important writers on the day of ''Letras Gallegas''
It's a good idea but there Galicia, New Year's Day wish us happy new year and drink.
Is a traditional Alcoholic Drink in Scotland. In galicia the traditional drink is ''calimocho'' and ''mosto''
In galicia there are a lot of tipical food the best known is ''raxo'', ''caldo gallego'', ''caldeirada''...
Fast food:
In Scotland there are a lot of this places and in Galicia the same.
I think that culture Galician is the best.
Borja Varela 4ºA
Sorry, my comment is a bit long so I have to do it in two parts.
ReplyDeleteClan and family:
Clan is a Gaelic word meaning family. For the Scots, Family is very important. In our culture, family is also important. Celebrating parties eating together is traditional for our families (and I think it’s very good). We respect our parents and grandparents, but not as much as the Scots respect the “Chief”.In Galicia, families didn’t fight unless it was something very important (we are very nice).Today, there are still clans in Scotland, and now they are similar to Galician families.
Gaelic and Galician:
Gaelic is the oldest language used in Scotland, but it’s spoken by a few people. Galician is a very important language for us, and all the Galician people can speak and understand Galician. We have studied it since we were children, and it’s a subject. There are much more Galician speakers than Gaelic speakers. Galician is a symbol of Galician culture, and many people think that we can’t lose this language.
Traditional clothes:
I’m laughing because I’m imagining my grandfather wearing a kilt! I know it’s normal in Scotland, but for us it’s a bit strange. There are also traditional clothes in Galicia (different for men and women), for example bagpipers’ suit, but it’s very different than the kilts. I think kilts are a symbol of the Scottish culture, because I think all the people know that a man is Scottish if he wears a kilt.
Scots use the tartan to distinguish if they are of a clan or if they are of another. In Galicia, We haven’t got tartans. Some rich families had their own coat of arms, but poor people didn’t have anything similar. But here I’ve a question: you must wear your mother or your father’s tartan?
Bagpipes are the biggest similitude between Galicia and Scotland. Bagpipes are very important in traditional bands, and they are also a symbol of both cultures. In Galicia, we have modern bagpipers and modern band that play the bagpipe, like Susana Seivane, Cristina Pato, etc.
Ceilidh and patron saint festivities:
I’ve said that in Galicia we celebrate the patron saint festivities eating all together, and in Scotland they do something similar. They sing, dance, and tell stories. Here, we first go to the party (the vermouth session) and then we eat together and we pass all the day speaking.
Burns supper:
In Galicia, we don’t celebrate anything similar to a Burns supper. We remember our Galician writers in the Galician Literature Day. We remember each year a different writer. We don’t eat together, but it’s an honor to be remembered for doing something important.
Hogmanay and New Year’s Eve:
I’ve seen one more similitude: People of both places know how to have a party. At New Year’s Eve, we have dinner with our families. In Galicia, at twelve o’ clock, we eat twelve grapes to celebrate the New Year. Now, young people often go to celebrate the New Year with his friends after eating the grapes, but they go to the disco, they don't go to his neighbors’ house.
Whisky and wine:
In Galicia, the most typical drink is the wine. Our grandparents used to go to the bar to drink wine. The wine’s price depends of the quality. The best Galician wide is the Albariño. However, I think wine is cheaper than whisky, and I think that any wine’s bottle was as expensive as the eighty-year-old bottle of Scotch whisky! In Galicia, brandy is also important. Other important drink is the “Queimada”. At the end of the comment I’ll write some links and you could know more about this drink.
Haggis, “Lacón con grelos” (pork with turnip tops) and Octopus:
ReplyDeleteHaggis is the most famous Scottish food. I think if you talk with somebody that knows where Galicia is, he’s going to say you: “Have you tried the octopus?” or “Oh yes, lacón con grelos, it’s tasty”. Galician gastronomy is also very important and it’s something that the tourists love.
Fast food:
I didn’t know that the deep-fried ice cream existed! Now, I want to eat it, but I think it isn’t tasty. And I think deep-fried chocolate bar is very strange! Furthermore, this food is very unhealthy. Here, like in the entire world, we have got fast food and fast food restaurants where we can eat things like chips, hamburgers or hot dogs (but these things are not as strange as Scottish fast food).
Canachan: I think this dessert looks good!
Now, I’m going to write down how to do a typical Galician dessert: filloas
*-*-*-* INGREDIENTS *-*-*-*
- 1 / 2 liter of milk (whole milk is always best to cook)
- 100 grams of flour
- 4 eggs
- 50 grams of butter (some use lard not me)
- Salt
Pour into a bowl of milk, flour and four whole eggs and beat well.
Add the melted butter to mixture and stir.
Beat well and add a pinch of salt.
Beat again.
When pan is hot, I put a bit with a ladle of batter onto the skillet.
Allow to brown and turn.
Now you doing the same with everything until the mixture is finished.
You can eat them with ham, chocolate, jam, sugar, etc.
This dessert is really tasty!
Now, I’ll give you some linkers to learn more about these topics:
Traditional clothes:
Fran Fernández Huerta, 4thA
ReplyDeleteClan means family, but I believe that it isn't clans actually, but families are similar to clans, I think that it doesn't very similar of scotland clans, because in galician families aren't a "chief" of the clan,I think that we don't give him many importacia to these things.
Since in Scotland one speaks the gaelic, in galicia apart from the Spanish, also the Galician speaks "gallego", the "gallego" is taught in all the schools in Galicia, also there are channels in the TV in which only speaks in Galician, and also there're musical groups.
In galicia there aren't typical clothes, and the people dress as they want, though I think that serious very enterteining to see to the whole world with a kilt.
The tartan not one in Galicia, though in galicia there are sheets, which look alike, but it don´t have the same function .
In galicia the typical instrument also is the bagpipe, there is many Galician music touched only with bagpipe.
In galicia the histories are very common on witches.
In Galicia for old year is in the habit of supping on by the family, and for new year eating with the family also.
Though many people prefer going to party.
In galicia a typical drink is the "quiemada", while the "queimada" is done a ritual is said, is something very typical!
Show restraint typical of galicia they are the "cocido", "pulpo", "filloas", "orellas", "grelos", etc...
In galicia there aren't many places of fastfood, though every time this one being more, but I think that they arent for anything Galician place's.
Ayla Couto Miranda 4ºA
ReplyDeleteClan means family, but I believe that it isn't clans actually, but families are similar to clans, I think that it doesn't very similar of scotland clans, because in galician families aren't a "chief" of the clan,I think that we don't give him many importacia to these things.
Since in Scotland one speaks the gaelic, in galicia apart from the Spanish, also the Galician speaks "gallego", the "gallego" is taught in all the schools in Galicia, also there are channels in the TV in which only speaks in Galician, and also there're musical groups.
In galicia there aren't typical clothes, and the people dress as they want, though I think that serious very enterteining to see to the whole world with a kilt.
The tartan not one in Galicia, though in galicia there are sheets, which look alike, but it don´t have the same function .
In galicia the typical instrument also is the bagpipe, there is many Galician music touched only with bagpipe.
In galicia the histories are very common on witches.
In Galicia for old year is in the habit of supping on by the family, and for new year eating with the family also.
Though many people prefer going to party.
In galicia a typical drink is the "quiemada", while the "queimada" is done a ritual is said, is something very typical!
Show restraint typical of galicia they are the "cocido", "pulpo", "filloas", "orellas", "grelos", etc...
In galicia there aren't many places of fastfood, though every time this one being more, but I think that they arent for anything Galician place's.
Ayla Couto Miranda 4ºA
ReplyDeleteIn Galicia, people also live with the family, but here not all have to do what the father orders. families here do not fight each other, but that people like to be popular
In Galicia, we also have our own language. we have the Galician is spoken by approximately 3,188,400 people and is very similar to Portuguese.
in galicia we also have a traditional costume. the Galician traditional costume design was greatly influenced by weather and is often used in traditional dances such as muiñeira.
in Galicia, the bagpipe is also the most widely used instrument in the typical music, as the hype. in Galicia, the bagpipes best known are those of Seivane.
in Galicia, also played folk music. one group is better known Luar Na Lubre
here too there were very many good writers. These include rosalia de castro and Castelao.
in Galicia, the end of the year is celebrated with the whole family. take 12 grapes at 12 pm and we have fun together.
in Galicia, the typical drink is albariño. is one of the many delicacies that are here.
here, the most famous and delicious food is cooked.
in Galicia, the people are very healthy and they eat everything.
1 pig's tail
1 piece of bacon salt
1 salted pig's ear
1 kg of pork salted
Middle kg pork ribs
4 sausages
Middle kg of soaked chickpeas made the previous day
Middle kg of beef or knuckle
Media chicken or half chicken
2 bunches turnip greens or cabbage 1
8 whole potatoes, peeled
Olive oil
fernando martinez munin 4ºA
Again,three of you didn't writeyour names when posting your comments for this chapter.Can you tell me who they are, please?
ReplyDeleteThe teacher
In Scotland there are clans. A clan is a large group of families. In galicia no clans.
ReplyDeleteThe Gaelic language is spoken by a people sector. Unlike Galician where it is known by all people in Scotland speak Gaelic does not know everyone.
The Scots traditionally important moments are wearing a skirt. In Galician there is no such tradition.
The bagpipes are a traditional instrument of Scotland. In Galicia the bagpipes are different but they are also traditional.
In Scotland there is a festival of music for five pieces of American folk songs.
The Burns supper is a dinner that is January 25 to remember the poet Robert Duns.
The whiskey is a traditional drink in Scotland that has been manufactured for many years.
The food is traditional Scottish haggis. It is the most important food that is attached to others. In Galician, in my opinion, the food is most important is the octopus.
In Scotland as in most fast food places there.
Anton Pacin 4 A
Here, in Galicia no have a clans, in Galicia the clans means family.
ReplyDeleteThe nacional drink in Scotland is the whisky.In Galicia also have a nacional drink that I think is the "licor café".The basis of this liquor or white cane residue,Galicien aguardiente,high quality.
In Scotland it´s habitual wearing in sometimes parties or celebrations a skirts (kilt) also the mens. In Galicia will be compared with the "muiñeira" suit. The famous food in Scotland are the haggis. A traditional haggis will include the heart,liver and lungs of a sheep,onionoatsand spies.
I think than the most famous food in Galicia is the octopus. It is a receated but is prepareated with stew potatoes with sauce of oil,salt and paprika. The tradicional sweet of Scotland is the Cranachan and the sweet traditional of Galicia is the Galicien creeps.It´s have with milk meal and eggs.
Damián Regueiro Fuentes 4ºB
-Clan: People in Galician don't live in clans,the people live in familys.
ReplyDelete-Gaelic: In Galicia the people speak Galician, but also the people speak Spanish.
-Kilt: The clothe typical in Galicia is a "boina" , but only wear it the old people.
-Bagpipes: The traditional music in Galicia called "muiñeiras".
Burns Supper:
Robert Burns was a famous Scottish poet. On 25 January, all over the world, Scots people have a traditional Burns supper to remember him.
In Galicia are goods poets for example Rosalía de Castro.
-Drink: The typical drink in Ga licia is the "caña"
-Food: The most famous food is a "caldo gallego"or "lacon con grelos".
But , you can find the best seafood to Spain in Galicia.
Santiago Sardiña 4ºB
Here, in galician we have crepes,one of the best seafood and the cooked, etc. in galicia the beer said "caña", because it's more fun. I love crepes, because it's have a pleasant taste. in galicia we take good care. we don't eat much fast food because our food it's very healthy. we have the best mussel and we are the oldest comunity of Spain. but we died at 80 our 90 years because we are what good healthy eating. give you a hint: cooked vegetables from the richest know if cooked with extra water soup. it's too delicius
ReplyDeleteFernando Loriga Barbeito
Pacin's correction.
ReplyDeleteI read the Anton Pacin's writing and I din't understand a lot of sentences.He has mistakes as "In Galicia no clans", the correct sentence is "There aren't clans in Galicia", but i am not secure.If I correct all, I never finish, because he didn't use simple sentences as "the most important food in Galicia is the octopus" or "There are some fast food locals in Scotland, but in Galicia there aren´t many of them".
Uxio Toxo 4º A
I'm going to correct the fernando martinez munin's comment:
ReplyDeleteWhen he starts to tell us the group Luar na lubre, he's doing a mistake, the phrase is ''A group that is well-known is Luar na lubre.''
When he talks about the writers, the phrase should be ''Here, there were many good writers too.''
when he talks about fast food he should erase the word ''the'' , this word goes before ''people''
Sergio Simarro 4ºA